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Which do you like better?


For once, knowledge is making me poor!
Mar 7, 2007
I wasn't a fan of the tone of the silver on this scope.

So I got the same scope in Black.
Which do you like better?
Silver. As much as they both look kinda like a small maglite flashlight, the black is too dark and looks more like one.
Well, let's look at this from a different perspective, light reflection while hunting. Gonna go with black cause of that. If the gun were blued what would you say, but if aesthetics matter, your choice.
I like the look of the silver, on that revolver. As Pug says, if it were a blue revolver, I’d say the black one. Just not a two tone guy.

On a side note, I’d take either over that red dot. Parallax is critical on those, and there’s too many variables with a hand held red dot. Shoulder mounted rifle gives much better alignment.

Nice, either way.

Floyd T
I agree if it was blued I like the black better.

I have a red dot sight on my bow, and while it works good I have to shut the correct eye to shoot correctly. I can see the dot with either eye, but one is “shifted” to one side.

So if I’m 3 yards to the left or right, I know to switch it up lol.
Scopes on handguns seem wrong.
I was thinking the same thing. In the Corps we shot 25, 15 and 7 yds with pistols. In my day, we did everything with iron sights, including 500 yds on the rifle range. Before my last trip to Iraq we trained with M4s with a 4x (I think) scope. We did a day's worth of quick-fire drills at something like 25-100 yds or so IIRC. I never used it enough to prefer it over iron sights for close ranges like that.
Silver or blue the gun, or get a bigger gun or smaller scope. Lol
Seeing how that scope is mounted backwards, I'd be curious to see how that thing shoots🤣
One of us is drinking! The scope on that Ruger is mounted correctly. Are you talking about the laser thing under the barrel? Maybe it's a Kentucky thing, but that's the direction we mount scopes on firearms. Just sayin'! 🤔 🥃

Floyd T
One of us is drinking! The scope on that Ruger is mounted correctly. Are you talking about the laser thing under the barrel? Maybe it's a Kentucky thing, but that's the direction we mount scopes on firearms. Just sayin'! 🤔 🥃

Floyd T
I've never seen a scope with a turret on the left? They are usually top and right?