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Taking my life (and weight) back . . . finally.

Oct 8, 2008
So anyway ....


I had most of my thyroid taken out in '00 and went on full replacement Synthroid in '06. I've been gaining weight, gradually but steadily, ever since.

Despite dieting.

Despite reducing portions, reducing calories, reducing carbs, reducing fats . . . :(

Despite hours of Tai Chi every week.

The past year, the "gradually" went to "dramatically" and I put on 30 lbs. Seemed like almost overnight I had to stop in the middle and catch my breath climbing a set of stairs. Grocery shopping got hard to do!

And nothing I did helped.

So I did some research, found out about tissue hypothyroidism and T3 supplementation, thought "That's it! That's gotta be it!" and scheduled an appt. with my doctor two weeks ago. Then my labs came in . . . completely normal, except for as usual my triglycerides, which we've been working on. The TSH level I was supposed to increase my Synthroid dosage to shoot for? Already there. My T3 levels? Right in the ballpark.

You'd think I was an actual healthy human, looking at 'em. Not a thing I could point to and say "There's the problem!" :mad:

But she went ahead and prescribed me some Cytomel (T3) anyway, just to see. Also made me promise to give up starches ENTIRELY.

So, informational sidebar: Synthroid is T4. Your body uses T4 to make T3, which is basically . . . adrenaline. It's what your cells actually use to make energy.

The Cytomel got here on Monday and I took my first dose on Tuesday.

My gods I've never been so awake in my whole life.


And alert! Really, really, really ALERT!


So the next day I cut it down to 1/2 a dose. Which was better. :confused: Couple days of that, a day on a 3/4 dose, took a whole Cytomel for the first time since the first day today and it's going . . . better. LOL.

So here's the thing: got on the scale this morning and weighed 12 lbs. LESS.


So two weeks no starch, low carbs. One week on Cytomel. And the first time my scale has moved in THAT direction in literally a DECADE. I've got a long way---about 100 lbs, frankly---to go but I finally found a combo that works. I can work with this.

Like I told my doctor, just give me a metabolism that CAN lose weight and I'll take it from there. :)

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That’s wonderful news Boar! Slow and steady wins the race, keeps us posted.
I've been taking Armour Thyroid for almost a decade. It's bio-identical and natural (dessicated pig thyroid), so that's another option if the synthetics stop working for you.

Congratulations on the lifestyle upgrade. Hope the weight keeps melting off.

Once you hit ketosis, you're gonna burn fat like a bonfire!!!
While I wish you well and hope the ends justify the means, it really sounds like you're on some sort of speed/coke/amphetamines. Just be careful, is all I'm saying. Be sure to talk about the risks involved in this.
While I wish you well and hope the ends justify the means, it really sounds like you're on some sort of speed/coke/amphetamines. Just be careful, is all I'm saying. Be sure to talk about the risks involved in this.


No. :rolleyes:

It's just that it's been a decade since my body had a normal energy level. Everyone who goes on Cytomel has a first day experience like that; I just didn't know about it. They didn't warn me!

T3 is a hormone the human body makes that mine doesn't anymore. I'm quite glad to have it back.

To clarify, I wasn't suggesting you were using those things, just that your reaction to the medication sounded like a component of the meds mimicked those drugs. At any rate, glad to hear you're feeling better and have dropped some pounds. Keep it up!
That’s some great news. I’m happy to hear that things are turning around for you!!
That’s awesome Boar, yay science! Keep us updated on your progress. Hopefully some of that motivation will spill over.
Good, luck Boar! You can do it; I've lost 70 lbs in the last year. Slow and steady wins the race!
This is a candidate for posting in the Happy Thread!!!

Great news, and glad to hear it is working.....
Down 20# so far. :)

Also I'm off at noon for my six-week summer break---I'm going to be doing a semi-strict version of South Beach Diet's "Phase One" (full Phase One doesn't allow ANY fruit or alcohol, but I'm going to permit myself small amounts of each), a 5-2 plan (with bone broth, weight loss soup, or vega one shake days on the 2's) and alternating between cardio days and gym days. If I can get below 300# before coming back to work I'm going to be a happy, happy man . . . and halfway there! I'm 6'2" and broad in the shoulders, so I figure 240-250# is a pretty reasonable target & healthy weight for me, especially at 60.

Oh, and I just won $29 on the Texas Two-Step lottery. :D


There is a good song from 1963 sung by Ned Miller, “ From a jack to a king”. In your case the following applies..... Your going from a heavyweight to a middleweight. Good for you. Your overall body will appreciate that and your systems should have some dramatic changes. Way to go brother, I wish you continued success.
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