Any Gamers in the forum??

Whats your guys take on the update that is coming? if your still playing clash

I'm waiting, might drop out if it sucks.
I find the game has gotten stale, and too hard to accumulate dark elixir.

Takes 1000 DE to win 1500 DE only to have some one raid me for 2500 DE.

And don't even get me started on walls....
Lmao walls still blow DE not that harf to get just got search for right base , just giant,wiz,arch and 3heal 3quake , im hoping this update doeant suck as much as i ghjnk it will
Lmao walls still blow DE not that harf to get just got search for right base , just giant,wiz,arch and 3heal 3quake , im hoping this update doeant suck as much as i ghjnk it will

I'll try that.
How many of each troop?
Scap 20giants 24wiz and 20 arch, look for de storages that are easy to get to good luck
Another quake and dont matter what troops , usallsy just ask for any and quake , don't worry to much about trophies if your after DE gold 3 and champs i find is best for de,dries up at masters , next button is your friend
Another quake and dont matter what troops , usallsy just ask for any and quake , don't worry to much about trophies if your after DE gold 3 and champs i find is best for de,dries up at masters , next button is your friend


I'm at th9. Maxing heros (20/20 now) and finishing walls.

I do alright raiding for loot, but my war hits are awful.
Scap havent figured out how to quote on phone , we have some awesome war attackers if you ever wanna come visit send me a pm im in a war attack slump myself currently
Scap havent figured out how to quote on phone , we have some awesome war attackers if you ever wanna come visit send me a pm im in a war attack slump myself currently

I'm in a really good war clan, they've been working with me...I just can't "see" what my troops are going to do. Luckily, a win or loss doesn't come down to my weak attacks. :D

We've currently got a win streak of 6, with the last 3 being perfect scores.
I'm in a really good war clan, they've been working with me...I just can't "see" what my troops are going to do. Luckily, a win or loss doesn't come down to my weak attacks. :D

We've currently got a win streak of 6, with the last 3 being perfect scores.

That awesome , and you wont find many clans that will work with you , our win streaks been between 6 and 11 here lately it seems
Anyone still play NCAA Football '14 on 360? I'd be down to play sometime. I may be coaxed into BL OPs II as well. I haven't played either online in a couple years, but would be willing to come out of retirement.
That awesome , and you wont find many clans that will work with you , our win streaks been between 6 and 11 here lately it seems

Big update is supposed to land between the 16th and 18th...
So this is more like a Clash of Clans and not a general gamer thread......
