Needs to collect cigars bands for daughter

I don't attempt to remove mine until the burn line approaches the band. The heat and humidity breaks down the glue most of the time and they come off in one clean piece. Otherwise, like you, I end up tearing the band, and sometimes the cigar to shreds.

I do the exact same thing.
What's a band? Wait... are you talking about that plastic stuff? I just poke a hole in it and light it up. I enjoy the pleasing aroma of burning cello.
What's a band? Wait... are you talking about that plastic stuff? I just poke a hole in it and light it up. I enjoy the pleasing aroma of burning cello.
It isn't as tasty as the red cloth at the end of some cigars or those with the fancy wooden wrappers.
I smoke them with the cedar wrapper, cello, band and cloth, I get my monies worth!
All of you are amateurs. The true cigar fan just lights them up while they are still in the box. While it can be a challenge to get them properly toasted an lit, I found using a propane plumbers torch adequate for the task. Duponte makes a nice one for only around $32,250.
All of you are amateurs. The true cigar fan just lights them up while they are still in the box. While it can be a challenge to get them properly toasted an lit, I found using a propane plumbers torch adequate for the task. Duponte makes a nice one for only around $32,250.

What's a propane plumber?
All of you are amateurs. The true cigar fan just lights them up while they are still in the box. While it can be a challenge to get them properly toasted an lit, I found using a propane plumbers torch adequate for the task. Duponte makes a nice one for only around $32,250.

HA! Funny enough, I've used a thin butane plumbers torch before to light my cigars in a pinch. ;)
When the tinder gets damp, I have resorted to a propane torch. They work really well, but aren't exactly portable.;)
