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Are any of you people being sprayed?

Well in this case, maybe it's used because the pros outweigh the cons. Maybe the mindset is that saving thousands of human lives is more important than the detriment to wildlife and the environment that DDT can cause? Or are less things affected there/ has DDT been modified at all? I'm a little unfamiliar with the spraying in Africa.

There is no environmental impact when it's used indoors. Its when DDT was being used outside that it caused all of the issues with bird eggs.
There is no environmental impact when it's used indoors. Its when DDT was being used outside that it caused all of the issues with bird eggs.
Oh it's being used indoors? Like I said I'm very unfamiliar with it being used in Africa. Suppose I can google it later.

A good place to start. This is an article by one of the guys that successfully campaigned for it's reintroduction to combat maleria.
Based on the little reading I've done so far, it sounds like DDT is used inside as a last resort to save lives. This is because of the wide variety of health issues it can cause (such as cancer, birth defects, etc) and the unknown long term effects of its use.

I can understand it being used as a last resort for those suffering in other countries, but for health concerns, as well as what DDT can do to wildlife/the environment (given history of its use), I really don't think it should just be sprayed here again.
A friend's son died of malaria hiking in South America. Even with check points, a very viral form got him. He was dead in a few days, but there's no good reason it should be sprayed in the USA.
Based on the little reading I've done so far, it sounds like DDT is used inside as a last resort to save lives. This is because of the wide variety of health issues it can cause (such as cancer, birth defects, etc) and the unknown long term effects of its use.

I can understand it being used as a last resort for those suffering in other countries, but for health concerns, as well as what DDT can do to wildlife/the environment (given history of its use), I really don't think it should just be sprayed here again.

Righto. We (being the advanced western world) aren't the right market for it since malaria has all but been eliminated here. The rules are a bit different in nations/locations where between malaria and yellow fever (and the like) decimate the local population.

A friend's son died of malaria hiking in South America. Even with check points, a very viral form got him. He was dead in a few days, but there's no good reason it should be sprayed in the USA.

That sucks. Malaria can be a scary disease. During my time in Colombia I made sure to take my malaria medication. I've been less diligent in Thailand and Cambodia. But there I'm practically bathing in DEET.
BTW, my Father had eight attacks of malaria that he picked up in N. Africa. He spiked 106F temp one time. They gave him an Alcohol bath to bring it down. Ironically, malaria may have saved his life.

BTW, my Father had eight attacks of malaria that he picked up in N. Africa. He spiked 106F temp one time. They gave him an Alcohol bath to bring it down. Ironically, malaria may have saved his life.

I'll bite, Doc. How did malaria save his life?
I'll bite, Doc. How did malaria save his life?
He was about to climb down the cargo net to get into a landing boat at Omaha beach, when a medic noticed he was sweating profusely. My dad thought he was just scared. Turned out to be a malaria attack. He returned to his unit just in time for the battle of St. Lo.

Every time I see this thread topped, I see it as "Spayed" and think, we are mostly men here and it should instead say "neutered" :D