Paging Dr Balls...

Mr Peat

Rich Perelman, "Loren you have a Godlike Presence.
Nov 4, 2005
Ok Brad...I hope you have a wonderful day tomorrow on your B-day. Drink a nice glass for me as I didn't have Scotch this year. Damn my Doctors. LOL!!! And of course smoke a wonderful cigar as well. Once I get this package sent up for Tony, I hope you enjoy what it is coming your way and no, I won't be spoiling the surprise. Just think of it as some Chin-gina man love from me. :D
I'm truly sorry you had to fast today and I'm more upset that you didn't get to enjoy a dram. I'm going to do the dram part for you here in a minute and the cigar after work tomorrow. I miss your raccoon nest. I hope the doctors are helping you. Happy Birthday again my friend!
Happy B-Day Brad, I hope you have a great day filled with your favorite stogies and top shelf scotch as well....... :) :thumbs: :cool:
Happy Birthday, Brad! Hope you and yours make a great memory today.
Tell Matt you should have the day off! With Pay! Happy Birthday Brad.
Happy Birthday Today...Tomorrow...Yesterday...or whenever your birthday is bro! Make it a special one....

After the last few birthday postings, I'm confused as to what day they are any more... :laugh:
Happy Birthday Today...Tomorrow...Yesterday...or whenever your birthday is bro! Make it a special one....

After the last few birthday postings, I'm confused as to what day they are any more... :laugh:

Its not confusing for Brad and my b-day. Sept 1st is Mr Peat Day and Sept 2nd is Dr Balls day. :p
For those of you who don't know, when Brad was born, the doctor slapped his mother. :0 :laugh:

Happy Birthday, young fella.
