Fake Cuban Cigar Site

Ok then, you guys have fun with your schoolyard antics. I have no desire to stick around a site that shows deference to post counts.

Hasta Luego

You will be missed. I believe under the recent rule addition this warrants a ban.
Horse Hockey. Since I've been here newbies have been encouraged to stay out of these kinds of threads. This isn't anything new or unusual. The fact is, he had pretty thin skin. I was being nice. I consider it a public service. I suspect he would have melted down somewhere else, eventually.


Horse Hockey right back at you Doc.

He copied and pasted the rules written on the top of the page. Which means he read the rules. And no where in the rules does it say "If you haven't been here at least a year don't say anything regarding the rules to anyone else. As far as being thin-skinned, you might be right, but I wouldn't have enjoyed being called out for doing nothing wrong either.

Also "these type of threads" is usually the ones where older members are fighting, not ones where a slight breach of conduct is made.

*edit* I do agree he did overreact and broke the "I'm leaving rule" which means he gets banned.
I don't think Rod has to have rules for every minute detail, so no, this guy didn't break any rules. In my short time here I have observed this being pointed out to newer members who did something similar. Sometimes it is pointed out politely, as I think was done in this case, and other times not so politely. What if, bolstered by successfully pointing out something so simple as he did here, he grows in confidence and starts handing out advice on group buys or sales on day 5? After 3yrs, I'm just starting to comprehend the "Post an Intro First" aspect of CP, do you really think after 3 days this guy had a firm enough grasp on how CP works to be quoting rules? Irrespective of being right or not, I think it's a dangerous precedent.
If he did that "then" it would be warranted to say something.

You've been here 3yrs. You should know by now nothing here is ever let slide for very long. It remains my opinion that what he did was OK, and he should not have been called out on it.



Really? On your third day?

At least he read the rules. ;)

Wait....I have to be a seasoned vet to reiterate the most obvious and repeated rule on the forum?

Is this going to be a problem?

Wait....I have to be a seasoned vet to reiterate the most obvious and repeated rule on the forum?

Is this going to be a problem?

It is generally considered bad form to be quoting forum rules to people so early in your tenure here, even the most obvious of rules. Feel free to report the thread to Rod but letting a more seasoned member point out the rules would be the best course of action.

Wait....I have to be a seasoned vet to reiterate the most obvious and repeated rule on the forum?

Is this going to be a problem?
Only if you make it one. It's nice of you to step up and try to help, but it's best to mind your own business and do your own time, for a while, before getting involved in the policing of the forum.


Ok then, you guys have fun with your schoolyard antics. I have no desire to stick around a site that shows deference to post counts.

Hasta Luego

Between him being called for over enthusiasm, and the door hitting him on the ass, he was treated quite politely and actually given explanations for the concerns.

While I will agree that a brand new member has the "right" to make that post, it's not good form to jump into the policing so quickly. If I were to come to your home and immediately upon entering, mention that you should be sure to salt the food before cooking it, wouldn't you look at me with that "who the @#%# are you look?"
Part of me thinks this varies on the member being reminded of the rules.....if a brand new guy calls out an old fugger....like you Matt, he would be taken to the woodshed...But a 3 day wonder calling out a 2 day wonder....is that really as bad? I mean he still has more time on the board than the other guy.

Really, just because he was the first responder?

Really, ummm, never mind I shouldn't get involved.

Damn, I missed saying goodbye :(
Hahah! after all this time away, I come back to see meltdowns happening right left and centre. The cudgel of the FOG is still lined with a velvet of decorum, yet at the same time; the Newbies heads seem more prone to collapse under even the slightest of pressure.

The hinges on CP's door must be getting mighty squeaky.
Bah some folks have a thin skin.

I have seen some treatment being much harsher. Honestly with a self policing forum like we have it is up to the "old hands" to give the old Heave ho. If we let every new person police the forums we would end up with a mess.
Wow, spammers these days! :laugh:

Maybe he's just posting to discredit and draw customers away from one of his spamming rivals....while he's busy spamming and shilling for his own fake-peddling site under another username! :laugh: