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N or S Pole for Pug


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2009
Let's put a name right up front so you know who you're dealing with, William Gilbert. Ring a bell?, not with me either which is good for even this old dog don't go back to 1544. Dr. Gilbert was a scientist and physician who is credited with being the father of electricity and magnetis. AH! You say, ya see where this is going do you, and you a right on the money.

Time for some proof of the pudding or whatever the saying is, but we had a "New" member called MagnetMan. Well, he got roasted and toasted and shaken all about, but today we can have a real unveiling and can now make a informed decision based on the evidence Your Honor.

Yes I sent Tracy (actual name) a bunch "not related to bananas" of labels for the now infamous "shop" of mine cause they were not going anywhere fast and all I wanted in return was one magnet of my choice ( anyone want to guess before reading on? ). And so goes it until Tuesday when I received a package from Tracy. the bag was a padded one, each magnet was in its own padded do-dad, inside of that it was in a plastic sleeve. That's a lot of packing for a dang magnet.

I didn't exact measure, but they look to be 2 x 4 inch. The case containing the band is NOT sealed per se, but it does have a catch. I'm cool with that. You will see a photo of the magnet on the reverse. All were identical ( what's to change? ).

Two things that were tough to capture, both Perdomo and Cohiba use a holograph in certain areas. And yes, I really busted my butt on the Cohiba and I can see the hologram. whether the photo does it justice I won't say. I will leave that to the likes of John Fields and Wild Bill in the Rancho ChaChaCha. I am pleased with the Perdomo Sungrown. the Perdomo Habano will go down to the shop for their refrigerator.

And now you gentlemen and aficionados can peruse and make a informented decision based on the evidence presented.


Well, I'm pleased that you are satisfied with your transaction & didn't get burned, Pug.

Given that he only charges $6 on Etsy for these, it's fine that they're just inserts in baseball card holders with a stick on magnet on the back, but what would you say is the level of craftsmanship on the cards inside the holders? You seem happy, so I assume they're up to snuff?

I have a treasured fridge magnet from the Cowgirl Museum in Fort Worth (long story) and it's a high quality laminated photo with the whole thing a magnet on the back, but as I recall, I paid more than $6 for it.

So there you go, I guess. 🙂

The Perdomo Red Band is large and shows well in the holder. It works. Could things be improved?, probably is you had a lasers an d cut the plastic around the band if you get my drift, but it's time and money. This solution is simple and the magnet is quite good for the normal use of holding a shop list or photo. I think the background of the label could be tweaked, but again, more parts and labor. I look at it as a simple remembrance of a good stick and the label is not overtaken by added b/s inside the holder. It's clean. You know what it is when you look. And us guys being economy minded, $6 won't break any bank. You can pop it off the fridge or metal post and play with for a harder look unlike being under tape or on a table with a poly coating.

I happen to be smoking a Perdomo 30th Anni right now. Here is the label. So I take it off, cut it, iron it, need to fing that holder, mount it, have to buy a magnet, glue it and Wahla, I'm done. We have a choice, nothing wrong with that. If it works it works, and if it don't, well hell with it.

.Probably not for every one but that's why Amazon and Esty have many vendors. YOU get to choose.

I'm glad you liked them. I tried to show as much of the larger bands as possible and still look like it's on a cigar with the brown background. The smaller bands, I tried to make look like on actual width of a cigar. I also tried to match up the brown color of the cigar with that band, darker/lighter.
I was at the Autorama Car Show this weekend in Cleveland with my regular Hot Rod Magnets and I had some of the Cigar Magnets with me too. I sold one of them to a gentleman who thought they were a really cool idea to do with the bands that usually get thrown away.
So, thanks for the kudos and I'm glad you all seem to like them.