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Stonehenge Flake


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2012
I'm trying to solve the riddle of Stonehenge.

Stonehenge Flake. Brand new to me, I wanted to try it out since it is supposed to be a Lakeland.


Tin note is not what I expected. Almost like if you were in a bakery that was making birthday cakes, you know how the icing smells? But there's a hint of flatulence hidden within the smell of the icing. It's either that or old fruit cake. Perhaps old fruit cake is a better analogy.


The flake is cut thin and sort of stretches like a pleated material or accordion bellows.

I've got it sitting out on my bamboo cutting board (leftover scrap from my floor install) to let it dry out some.


This is a really mild Lakeland. Would be great for anyone wanting to dip a toe without completely committing to the essence.
Thanks for reading!
The essence of flatulence? I think this is one that I'd rather read about..:oops: lol that doesn't even sound right!🤦‍♂️
The essence of flatulence? I think this is one that I'd rather read about..:oops: lol that doesn't even sound right!🤦‍♂️

Ok old fruit cake then!
The H2S smell dissipated a few minutes after opening the tin. Must have been some anaerobic fermentation odor.
Ok old fruit cake then!
The H2S smell dissipated a few minutes after opening the tin. Must have been some anaerobic fermentation odor.

Ahhh. Sorry I couldn’t help but try and have some fun with that description! :)
Ahhh. Sorry I couldn’t help but try and have some fun with that description! :)

It's all good. It was certainly a funky odor.
I just stuck my nose in the tin, again, to see how it smells to me today.
Now I'm getting a smell like when you open a grocery store King's Cake with a background note of red wine.