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Who wants to adopt a dog?

Doggie rehab??


Any of those dogs will tear you a new one if there triggered.
Wow, my ex-wife has been wanting a dog. :whistling:
I watched some of this on TV the other evening. They looked to be working with the dogs pretty intensively and making good progress.

Its really pretty sad for the animals.......they don't mention what happened to the 22 that didn't go to Best Friends, although they did mention that some had to be euthanized immediately.
I watched some of this on TV the other evening. They looked to be working with the dogs pretty intensively and making good progress.

Its really pretty sad for the animals.......they don't mention what happened to the 22 that didn't go to Best Friends, although they did mention that some had to be euthanized immediately.

The scene:
[Enter animal control vehile to Peta Center]
Officer: Here are some canines for your animal rescue center.
PETA: Oh Joy! Loving dogs, just wanting to be free and love humans!
5 min later a call to 911 Dispatch:
Dispatch: Hello, what is your emergency?
PETA: I'm locked in my office and some loving creatures who were tortured by that Bastid Michael Vick are outside making their displeasure known.
Dispatch: Their displeasure? What do you mean?
PETA: Yes, I was trying to show them how people can be kind and loving and they chased me into the office and are growling outside the door. [PETA rep wets himself]
Dispatch: Is everyone else ok?
PETA: I...I...I think so. The rehab instructor was showing how fin it is to lick people then, then .......
PETA: The dog was hungry I guess...
Dispatch:What do you mean hungry?
PETA: Welllllll... he took a bite out of her face, but I guess she was just in his personal comfort zone. That's when Carl... [barking in the background becomming louder] tried to calm them with some massage therapy.
Dispatch:Massage Therapy?
PETA: Yes, it helps calm them. So after two of them detached his hands and feet...
Dispatch: What do you mean "detached?"
PETA: [barking and growling is lowder and scratching and tearing can be heard in the background] They bit them off, but they were just saying no in their way. Can you send someone to help me?
Dispatch:Sir we have a SWAT Team on it's way. Stay calm & stay where you are.
PETA: Oh... I'm....[whispering] not.... going anywhere.
Dispatch:What did you say?
PETA: Oh no be quiet, they'll hear you.
Dispatch:Who'll hear me?
PETA: The dogs.
Dispatch:What kind of dogs, Sir?
PETA: Terrier Type. [wood creaking, barking, growling all louder]
Dispatch:Oh like the Scottish ones?
PETA: Oh GAWD! They're breaking through the door! [barking is loud and growling deep, faint panting]
PETA: No, more like the kind Guards might have.
Dispatch:German Terriers? Never heard of such an dog?
PETA: They're here so humans can learn to get along with them.
Dispatch:Sounds nice.
PETA: [total beserk screams barking growling, nashing of teeth, etc]
Dispatch:Sir! Are you ok? We're almost there.
PETA: [in a demonic voice] Screw that! [Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang......]
Dispatch:Sir are you ok?
PETA: [barks, bangs, bangs, barks, then silence]
Dispatch:Sir? Are you alright?
PETA: [Prozac Calm voice] Oh, everythings fine now. The readjustment class participants have been euthanized.
Dispatch:What? Sir, what kind of dogs were those?
PETA: Pit Bull Terriers!! [panic seeping in]
Dispatcher: Did you shoot them all?
PETA: Yes, yes I did. I know I'm not supposed to have a gun, but I have it for protection against the non-vegans in the outside world.
:) The end
Doggie rehab??


Any of those dogs will tear you a new one if there triggered.

I agree, would you let one of your children play with one of these rehabbed dogs?

Did you also notice the budget of this organization, $20,000 per animal they care for? Don't get me wrong, I love animals but come on!

I watched some of this on TV the other evening. They looked to be working with the dogs pretty intensively and making good progress.

Its really pretty sad for the animals.......they don't mention what happened to the 22 that didn't go to Best Friends, although they did mention that some had to be euthanized immediately.

The scene:
[Enter animal control vehile to Peta Center]
Officer: Here are some canines for your animal rescue center.
PETA: Oh Joy! Loving dogs, just wanting to be free and love humans!
5 min later a call to 911 Dispatch:
Dispatch: Hello, what is your emergency?
PETA: I'm locked in my office and some loving creatures who were tortured by that Bastid Michael Vick are outside making their displeasure known.
Dispatch: Their displeasure? What do you mean?
PETA: Yes, I was trying to show them how people can be kind and loving and they chased me into the office and are growling outside the door. [PETA rep wets himself]
Dispatch: Is everyone else ok?
PETA: I...I...I think so. The rehab instructor was showing how fin it is to lick people then, then .......
PETA: The dog was hungry I guess...
Dispatch:What do you mean hungry?
PETA: Welllllll... he took a bite out of her face, but I guess she was just in his personal comfort zone. That's when Carl... [barking in the background becomming louder] tried to calm them with some massage therapy.
Dispatch:Massage Therapy?
PETA: Yes, it helps calm them. So after two of them detached his hands and feet...
Dispatch: What do you mean "detached?"
PETA: [barking and growling is lowder and scratching and tearing can be heard in the background] They bit them off, but they were just saying no in their way. Can you send someone to help me?
Dispatch:Sir we have a SWAT Team on it's way. Stay calm & stay where you are.
PETA: Oh... I'm....[whispering] not.... going anywhere.
Dispatch:What did you say?
PETA: Oh no be quiet, they'll hear you.
Dispatch:Who'll hear me?
PETA: The dogs.
Dispatch:What kind of dogs, Sir?
PETA: Terrier Type. [wood creaking, barking, growling all louder]
Dispatch:Oh like the Scottish ones?
PETA: Oh GAWD! They're breaking through the door! [barking is loud and growling deep, faint panting]
PETA: No, more like the kind Guards might have.
Dispatch:German Terriers? Never heard of such an dog?
PETA: They're here so humans can learn to get along with them.
Dispatch:Sounds nice.
PETA: [total beserk screams barking growling, nashing of teeth, etc]
Dispatch:Sir! Are you ok? We're almost there.
PETA: [in a demonic voice] Screw that! [Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang......]
Dispatch:Sir are you ok?
PETA: [barks, bangs, bangs, barks, then silence]
Dispatch:Sir? Are you alright?
PETA: [Prozac Calm voice] Oh, everythings fine now. The readjustment class participants have been euthanized.
Dispatch:What? Sir, what kind of dogs were those?
PETA: Pit Bull Terriers!! [panic seeping in]
Dispatcher: Did you shoot them all?
PETA: Yes, yes I did. I know I'm not supposed to have a gun, but I have it for protection against the non-vegans in the outside world.
:) The end

:sign: Just the kind of thoughts i was having :sign:

Yea these dogs would go great with my 3 kids and new puppies.
I have a buddy that has 3 rescue pit bulls. They are the sweetest dogs in the world. They rough house together, but its never violent. He also has a cat that rules the house.

The right dog with the right owner and you can rehab any animal in my opinion.
Obviously these dogs would not be suitable for just ANY environment. I simply think that if people are willing to invest the time, effort, and dollars to allow them to have a life outside of the horror they have known thus far they should be applauded for it.
All I can say is whoever takes these dogs home should be forced to carry 5 million in personal liability coverage. If they can make me wear a seatbelt or a helmet to "protect" the public interest, that should be a no-brainer.