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What would you do?

Lupa Namfauk

New Member
Mar 5, 2008
Starting a coolerdor and the internal dimensions of the cooler are 1' x 1' x 2' = 2 cubic feet. A half pound of Heartfelt beads is recommended for a maximum of 2.5 cubic feet and they said it does not hurt to have more beads than is called for. Would there be any advantage to using 1 lb of beads or is that overkill? Also, would it be best to place those beads in a bead bag or some time of dish?
The advantage is that you wouldn't have to charge the beads as often. No disadvantages as far as I can tell.

I don't have a coolerdor (yet), but from the one's I have seen they are usually in some type of a dish. I'm not sure if that gives any advantage, but if it's good enough for these guys, it's good enough for me.
It doesn't hurt but I wouldn't put that much in there. You can also get mesh bags from them to put the beads in.....a lot less messy than trying to put them on a plate or dish in a coolidor.
I was reading on a different thread where BBS stated that he used the tubes and bags and merely places the distillied water in a spray bottle and moistens the beads in that manner.
I've also got an igloo marine cooler on deck for when I am ready to move up to a larger storage container, but it is approximately 7.5 cubic feet and it doesn't make a lot of sense to fill it full of empty cigar boxes for a small, but growing collection. Hopefully someday soon though.
I was reading on a different thread where BBS stated that he used the tubes and bags and merely places the distillied water in a spray bottle and moistens the beads in that manner.

That is what the directions say to do. I think the main goal is just to get 70% or so of the beads wet.
I was reading on a different thread where BBS stated that he used the tubes and bags and merely places the distillied water in a spray bottle and moistens the beads in that manner.

That is what the directions say to do. I think the main goal is just to get 70% or so of the beads wet.

Yep, pretty much. I use the mesh bags and a spray bottle with mine. I have not had any issues since I went to beads.

As stated, the advantage would be that less humidification tinkering would likely be required. The disadvantage would be about another $15 hit to your wallet. Like many accessories, it's all about the value they provide to you. Would you rather tinker (a bit) more or spend (a bit) more?

I keep my humidification beads in mesh bags. Aquarium mesh bags I purchased at the local pet supply store. You can get 'em even cheaper online, but I was in a rush that day. I know lots o' guys who put theirs inside nylon stockings. To each their own. All setups, including inside dishes or trays, will work.
I got my wife to buy a pack of stockings, cut off about six inches, filled it up with beads, and tied the end off. Spritzed it with some distilled water and I was good to go. Worked perfect for me. I've also got several bowls of beads in my wine-a-dors that work fine as well (except when I forget there's one on the very top in the back and accidentally knock it over). :laugh: ???
I got my wife to buy a pack of stockings, cut off about six inches, filled it up with beads, and tied the end off. Spritzed it with some distilled water and I was good to go. Worked perfect for me. I've also got several bowls of beads in my wine-a-dors that work fine as well (except when I forget there's one on the very top in the back and accidentally knock it over). :laugh: ???

What, you cant buy your own nylons?? :whistling:
I agree with most people that have replied to this thread. Get the beads, we all know you'll need them one day :). Also, use a mesh bag, whether its nylons or if its from Viper's store, basically no difference. I currenly use 1/2 lb of beads in my 46qt cooler - always is rock steady. I have a few other humidifiers floating around the bottom LOL. I also have 1/2lb of beads in my 16qt cooler. Viper approved both of these, so I just went with it! If you really aren't sure...contact him, and he'll give you a straight answer and wont even call you lazy :laugh: .
I have beads in pantyhose in one cooler, and beads in mesh bags in another. The pantyhose is a little more flexible, so I have them in those cheap Glad-ware containers. The mesh one are in a shallow, rectangle Rubbermaid container. I have 2 pounds of beads in each cooler, with Oust fans (with-out the scent cartridge).
Starting a coolerdor and the internal dimensions of the cooler are 1' x 1' x 2' = 2 cubic feet. A half pound of Heartfelt beads is recommended for a maximum of 2.5 cubic feet and they said it does not hurt to have more beads than is called for. Would there be any advantage to using 1 lb of beads or is that overkill? Also, would it be best to place those beads in a bead bag or some time of dish?

I am very terrible at math and at the risk of humiliation I have to ask. Is this not 4 cubic feet of volume/space?

I started off the same way. Started with a small cooler, less than 2 cu.ft. Moved up to a cooler that was about 4 cu. ft., then onto a 120 qt. I tell you this. The small cooler needed very little humidification to maintain 65-70% RH.

Definitely use the mesh bags.