IgwanaRob said:www.atuckhasmoreanejosthancarlitofuentehimself.com
(stick around, you'll understand soon enough)
No kiddin
IgwanaRob said:www.atuckhasmoreanejosthancarlitofuentehimself.com
(stick around, you'll understand soon enough)
ree ree robusto said:Cigar King
I've been to this place in Scottsdale, AZ. Great place with hell of deals. :thumbs:
I'm already in trouble...I hit Cbid and went nutz...couldn't stop myself...it was like being in a candy store...dunno even where I'm gonna store everything when it comes in...currently raiding my GF's pantry for tupperware...Fireman Tim said:One can find some great buy's on CigarBid.com but be very careful, you can get into a little bit of trouble there too.
The Master said:For great customer service and reasonable prices try www.regencycigar.com.
Tell them Harris sent you. They also sell singles so you can try a bunch of different stuff.