Thanks all...its been a pretty rough day for me. Some may have seen him on campus at NWMSU as he managed to Graduate there in Horticulture. He did what he loved and lived life to the fullest. Anyone that met him, he left a lasting impression on you. As he was the type of person that would have pulled his shirt off his back if you really needed one.
We met my first week at University of Nebraska at Lincoln in August 1998 and the friendship took off from there. He talked me into heading to NWMSU in Jan 2001 and I never managed to finish it with how my back is. But he kept seeing me constantly trying to finish. I remember the first time I went out of the country and he was with me in Dec 2000 and came back in Jan 2001. A little trip to Dublin, Ireland where we partied like it was 1999. I went to the UK in July/Aug 2002. The next trip we went on was in Dec 2003 to Edinburgh, Scotland and then a full day in London, England. Which we finished our trip in Amsterdam, Holland. I played the tour guide till we got to Holland which was the first time I'd been there.
He wanted me to go on another trip with him and this time it was going to be Costa Rica. I wished he could have participated more on CP. But he always worked and never really had time. He did some of the craziest things you could imagine. He always said the Man couldn't touch him. Its a reference to the Government and Law Enforcement. The stories I could tell you all would literally make you laugh and wonder how in the hell he was never busted doing some of the stuff he did. Nothing to major. I will tell one story about him.
This screw ball liked Mary J and he had this One hit wonder as I called it. He had some Mary J in his pocket and took a hit before he got on a plane and carried this all the way from Portland, Oregon to Omaha, Nebraska. Then he drove down to good ole Maryville, Missouri to hang out with me and OpusXKC. He never got caught and talk about pushing your luck. But this was his style. Always happy and nothing could keep him down.
He was always there when I needed help. The time he drove me down to the VA Hospital in Leavenworth, KS as it was the closest medical hospital for the VA. I thought I was going to die and could have too. But I got lucky and 4 months after the ER trip, I was in Surgery once again. A week later we did our 2nd trip to the UK and Holland. Then after like 3 weeks when we got back, I went in for a Upper GI. I was told I had Cancer and had 5 years to live. I figured this crazy bastard would out live me and this isn't the case.
We both had a zest for life. Whatever we did, we wanted the best of the best that we could afford. I have no idea what cigar I will put in his coffin, but its going to be a good one. We always joked about doing that throughout the years and by hell, its going to happen. I'll probably toss in a Padron Anni and a Opus X as he loved both of them.
Anyways...thanks all for the condolences. I really miss my hippie friend. I sure hope you are in Heaven with a good glass of Scotch and a cigar in hand my friend. I'll never forget you.