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Well now that was a weird BOMB...

Tall Paul

"insecure little bitch"
May 11, 2011
Let me paint the picture...
Here I am sitting on my couch minding my own business after a long day of work. I just got done watching the Sox get swept by the fucking Blue Jays and there is a knock at my door. When I open the door I see one of the clerks I know from Twins Smoke Shop in Londonderry  NH which is about 4 miles from my house. He hands me a coffin and says "here you go." Puzzled I said "whats this?" He replied "the cigar you ordered this afternoon I figured I'm driving right by I'd drop it off instead of shipping it." My reply stunned him "I didn't order anything" I said. Looking extremely lost he asks "you're Paul Harrison and this is 3 Sagamore right?" ""Yup that's me" I told him. We stood there and stared at each other for a minute till one of you fuckers popped in my head. I then try explain to this stranger how I am part of an online cigar community where I talk to guys about cigars and life. He looked at me strangely... I then try to explain that guys will send each other gifts from time to time and this must be the case. "Okay" he said still puzzled as he walked off the porch probably thinking I'm a creep or he just gave this cigar to the wrong guy...LOL
What a funny experience. Who ever you are I really appreciate the gift and can't thank you enough as this hit at a perfect time. I have been interested in trying this bad boy. Your Identity would be great so I know this at least came from here.
Thanks again,
Well, I guess that's one way to mystery bomb.  Good play to whoever the bomber is.
Ha!  That is hilarious!! I can only imagine that guys face "I am part of an online cigar community where I talk to guys about cigars and life" 
Nice timing whoever it was!!  Too bad you wasted money on the shipping when you could have slipped the guy a few $ and have it hand delivered....although I doubt that guy ever shows up again on your doorstep Paul!
An old man dropped by to see you and offer some cigar candy...and you open the door.
Musta been like the snake in the garden...and you bite the apple!
Nice play mystery bomber. Paul do you always accept things from strangers? I just hope you didn't take candy form strangers as a kid.  :laugh:
Anyone who works at a cigar store and hasn't heard of on line cigar communities is sadly inexperienced.
Paul, be careful, I read on the news that there is a guy out there delivering cigars and then raping the guys that open up the door to accept them.
whylieineedacigar said:
Paul, be careful, I read on the news that there is a guy out there delivering cigars and then raping the guys that open up the door to accept them.
Why do you think Paul opened the door??? :laugh:
Someone is going to pay!
Stand by while I dig my way to the house.
I'm at a loss for words...
Well it seems you guys have used the old MEGA BOMB idea on me you damn bastards. I can't explain how shocked I was when I arrived at the house to find a bunch of boxes sitting on the porch. I am at a loss for words at the thoughtfulness that you all have shown me. The timing of this is remarkable as I got word last night that my Uncle was found dead in his home yesterday so I've been a bit down. The nice notes some of you sent really made me smile. CP is am amazing place that I couldn't see my life without. I have made some life long friends here and look at most of you as family. I can't thank you all enough as this was a total shock. I really hope to meet each and every one of you guys some day and have a smoke. 
Pics of the carnage... 


BIG Thank you to:
Gary (ironpeddler)
Jesus (MOBIG)
James (SmokeSims)
Chester (drunkfish3)
Charlie (stogieman)
Kris (Light this!)
Joe (Joebunga)
Tom (thinde)
Ben (modo22)
Greg (bluue13)
John (gtadroptop)
Steve (Undegreed)
JP (Capt J)
Among a couple more I trying to figure out.
Thank you so much everyone I am beyond surprised by this!
Sorry to hear about your loss in the family Paul! Hope those empty boxes make your weekend alittle more enjoyable.
I like the second photo. I hope you wrap better than you unwrap. Freaking messy.
Sorry for your loss Paul. These kinds of things alway seem to hit with great timing.