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Vote on Tuesday


Sleep deprived and cranky
Oct 11, 2006
As tobacco users, you have a lot at stake.

Voting is not just a privilege, but an obligation as well.
I voted...

And if I can get my vote in from Brussels, you guys/gals can get it done in the States.

That is about the only acceptable type of political advice I'll accept. Beyond that, pisses me off. And it's not easy to do that.
I've had way too many political phone calls, and obnoxious folk's knocking on my door this election season.
I'm putting the Great Dane on the Porch, and putting a sign on his neck that reads "I eat political busybodies"

I'm still working on the phone angle. :cool:


edit for spelling
That is about the only acceptable type of political advice I'll accept. Beyond that, pisses me off. And it's not easy to do that.
I've had way too many political phone calls, and obnoxious folk's knocking on my door this election season.
I'm putting the Great Dane on the Porch, and putting a sign on his neck that reads "I eat political busybodies"

I'm still working on the phone angle. :cool:


edit for spelling

I am right there with you. So far today...just this one day...I have had three political walk up solicitations at my door. UGGGH. It is only about 2 pm. I will vote but I want this over.
I'm still working on the phone angle. :cool:


Get rid of the landline & go cell only! Honestly, it's been a godsend for our family. The only person who gets political calls is our son who stupidly placed his phone number on some political survey and he's getting hit. Me? Silence. :D
I'm visiting one of my grandspawn. Son's neighborhood is filled with canvassers of both persuasions.
Agreed on the cell phone. We don't have a land line. I have only received 1 phone call related to politcs. I am voting. That's as far as I'm taking this thread! Seen too many teasers that turn into meltdowns. I have opinions, but you'll have to PM me for those. ;) Get out and vote! We're taking the baby to go stand in line, you can make it too!
I am leaving for a work trip to Louisville in the morning and will be there through Wed. So sent off my adsentee ballot a couple of weeks back.
I frankly am worn the f&@k out this time around.
Still voting because it is duty. But I am disgusted with the process this year.
I frankly am worn the f&@k out this time around.
Still voting because it is duty. But I am disgusted with the process this year.

X2, however it is what we have to do to stop the "Nanny State" and "them" trying to protect us from ourselves. Nuff said.
If you don't vote you can't complain.
Voted last week. :thumbs:

Beats standing in line Tuesday with what should be the biggest turnout in history.
Ms. B.B.S. and I voted last week.... :thumbs:

It's an important election. Take the time to be informed, get multiple opinions from as many sources as you can find, consult your conscience, and make the best choices you can.

We haven't been canvassed yet, but I'm fried from the non stop media blitz as well.

Best Regards, gents - B.B.S.
I run the polling place in my town so I have to be there at 5:00 am and finish at 9:00 pm so chances are I'll remember to vote. :laugh:

Connecticut is already a done deal, Obama will carry this state no matter what so my vote for presidential electors doesn't really count for anything. We have no US Senate race this year, the contest for US Congress in my district is already a done deal and my State Senator and State Rep. are both running unopposed. The only other contest on the ballot is for local Registrar of Voters and I'm on the ballot but I automatically win because we both get elected. :rolleyes: At least I can't lose, LOL! :laugh:

Now that I think about it, voting in my town this year is a waste of time.......

Oh, we have two constitutional questions on the ballot so those are definitely worth taking the time to chime in on so I "will be voting." For those of you in Connecticut, vote "YES" on the two questions. :D
PA looks like it is going to Obama, but you never know how it will turn out. I will definitely vote as my voting location is right next to my house.
Voting here in Miami has been crazy. The amount of campaigning by both sides here has been extraordinary. I love to vote here because it makes such a difference. I think and hope this state will go McCain. Early voting was right across the street from me and I tried to vote twice but the lines were too long. I decided to take a half day from work on Tuesday to vote instead. I am expecting a 2 to 3 hour line to vote.
I can't wait to vote. "It is a way I have of driving off the spleen and regulating the circulation."
