OK, so this is my first beer review (on this site or any other, for that matter), so you'll have to bear with me if I err on occasion. I'm using one of Justin's reviews as a guide, so the format may look eerily familiar
Victory Baltic Thunder
Style: Baltic Porter
ABV: 8.5% by volume
Brewed in: Downingtown (Philadelphia), PA
Availability: Draft for a limited time; 22 oz. bottles by case (of 12)?
The bottle's label pays homage to the Perkuno's Hammer it is replacing by using a God-of-Thunder "Thor" hammer motif. The former comic book reader in me smiles.
I think I've provided all the information I can find on this particular beer earlier in the thread, so I'll get right to it:
Pours thin and a deep dark brown, almost black. The thin, tan head fades quickly, but has some nice viscosity as I drink.
Strong, toasted malt smell with hints of chocolate
Initially hits the palate as full-bodied and slightly sweet. Chocolatey malt flavor lingers after each sip. Hints of fruit (oranges? raisins?) peek out here and there. Surprisingly, the alcohol and strength isn't as noticeable as I would have thought with a name like "Baltic Thunder/Perkuno's Hammer". All the write-ups I read on this beer made it out to be a real tail-kicker, which it isn't (although two of these had me feeling pretty good the other night).
Tingles the front of the tongue and coats the mouth well, leaving a very nice warm feeling after each sip. I wish it were snowing out right now.
Final Thoughts
Another winner from Victory! Bill and Ron are certainly on their game. Overall a very well balanced, smooth, surprisingly easy-to-drink beer. Not nearly as monstrous as it's made out to be. Could easily be a 2-3 bottle "session brew" for me with a couple cigars on a cold winter's night. With no word yet on how long they plan to make this, I will probably stock up sooner rather than later.