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Trivia contest


Corresponding authority
Jun 18, 2003
Okay, I love trivia contests so I've come up with a few questions for you. There are a couple of tough ones tossed in there about my home state of Connecticut but with a little research, you can find the answers to all of these. First person with ALL the correct answers gets a five pack of PREMIUM cigars from me. You can edit posts!!

1. How many US Presidents died in office of natural causes?

2. How many US Presidents were assassinated?

3. How many State Representatives are there in the Connecticut State House?

4. Who was the only US President to serve in Congress AFTER he was president?

5. What is the second smallest town (population wise) in Connecticut?

6. If the vehicle identification number (VIN) of a modern-day car begins with the letter “S”, what country was it made in?

7. Who was the only US President to be married in the White House while he was President?

8. Who is the only US President from the state of Vermont?

9. What is considered the bloodiest battle of the Civil War?

10. In what year was my favorite brand of Havanas (Vegas Robaina) launched?

11. What is another one word term for a double corona?

12. In what year was my hometown of Chaplin, CT incorporated? (BONUS stick if you get the EXACT month and day).
okay, to get started:


2. J.F.K., James A. Garfield, A. Lincoln, William McKinley, so I'd say 4 of them.


4. John Quincy Adams



7.Grover Cleveland - YES

8. Calvin Coolidge, the 30th. - :(

9. YO MAMA! :sign:

10. June 6th, 1997 at the Ritz Hotel in Madrid, Spain, launched by the Don himself.

11. Prominentes, vitola # 612

12.The town of Chaplin, located in northeast Connecticut, covers 19.8 sq. miles and was settled in 1740 by Deacon Benjamin Chaplin who willed his assets to the townsfolk for the establishment of a church when he died in 1795. - :(


dude, some of these are kinda hard, the vins I find are ionly up to 93' ggrrrr
Ah Coolidge was born in Vermont but he was a politician in Massachusetts prior to becoming president. I was looking for someone else who was actually living in Vermont when he became president. Hint: His predecessor died in office.

I need the exact year that Chaplin was "incorporated" and again, if you can come up with the exact day and date of incorporation, you get a bonus Havana.

the vins I find are ionly up to 93'

A car made in 1993 qualifies as what I call "modern day" so if you got a VIN from a 1993 car that begins with an "S" and you know where it was made, you've got the answer ;)

YES on 4, 7, 10 & 11, good job :thumbs:
Okay, here goes.

1. Taylor, Harding, FDR, and Harrison died in office. That makes 4.

2. I now realize I'm too tired to type everthing out, time to sum it up. Another 4 were assassinated.

3. 151 reps.

4. John Quincy Adams, he was trying to rid slavery.

5. Union is the smallest town, the second smallest was a real pain to find. It is Falls Village.

6. England.

7. Grover Cleveland.

8. Coolidge is the trademark Vermont president, but Chester A. Authur was also born in that state, he took presidency when Garfield died.

9. The battle generally regarded as the "bloodiest" was Gettysburg, which resulted in some 51,000 dead, wounded, and captured soldiers. Antietam was saw the most bloodshed in one day.

10. Launched in Spain in the spring of 1997.

11. Prominentes, though I've only heard it used by Cohiba.

12. Settled in 1740, incorporated in May of 1822, but I can't find the day. :(

Anyway, that does it.
Bleh, Sir posted whilest I was researching. Bugger. :D Figured I'd be the only one messing with it this time of night.

Everything right but #5!!

You are so close!! It is so funny you mentioned Falls Village because Falls Village is not the actualy name of the town but everyone who lives there calls it that.

I'm looking for the actual name of the town.

Ya know Wildcard, a funny bit-o-trivia about Chaplin, a long-time First Selectman was named Ed GARRISON and his son Ed Garrison, Jr. was just elected 2nd Selectman this past election. Ed Jr's son is really into motocross :thumbs:
First off, the date is May 20, 1822. The town is named Canaan.
Ed Jr's son is really into motocross

Funny, I've been riding dirtbikes since I was 5 years old, own four of em now. I actually did a little junior motocross when I was much younger, on my 80cc Suzuki.

Just don't tell the people in Falls Village the REAL name of their town in Canaan or they'll smack you in the head :D

Holy crap, how'd you find May 20th?
1. How many US Presidents died in office of natural causes?

Answer is 4.
1 William Henry Harrison April 4, 1841 Natural Causes
2 Zachary Taylor July 9, 1850 Natural Causes
3 Abraham Lincoln April 14, 1865 Assassinated
4 James A. Garfield September 19, 1881 Assassinated July 2, 1881
5 William McKinley September 14, 1901 Assassinated September 6, 1901
6 Warren Harding August 2, 1923 Natural Causes
7 Franklin D. Roosevelt April 12, 1945 Natural Causes
8 John F. Kennedy November 22, 1963 Assassinated

2. How many US Presidents were assassinated?

Answer is 4 again.

3. How many State Representatives are there in the Connecticut State House?

Answer is 5.
Larson, John; Connecticut, 1st
Simmons, Rob; Connecticut, 2nd
DeLauro, Rosa; Connecticut, 3rd
Shays, Christopher; Connecticut, 4th
Johnson, Nancy; Connecticut, 5th

4.Who was the only US President to serve in Congress AFTER he was president?

Following his presidency, John Quincy Adams continued his work in politics. He won a seat in the House of Representatives, becoming the first president to serve in Congress after his term in office

5. What is the second smallest town (population wise) in Connecticut?


6. If the vehicle identification number (VIN) of a modern-day car begins with the letter “S”, what country was it made in?


7. Who was the only US President to be married in the White House while he was President?

Grover Cleveland was the only president to be married in the White House to Frances Folsom in 1886--and the first to have a child born in the White House, in 1893.

8. Who is the only US President from the state of Vermont?

The birthplace of the 30th President of the Untied States – Calvin Coolidge.

9. What is considered the bloodiest battle of the Civil War?


10. In what year was my favorite brand of Havanas (Vegas Robaina) launched?

1997 to honour Alejandro Robaina.

11. What is another one word term for a double corona?


12. In what year was my hometown of Chaplin, CT incorporated? (BONUS stick if you get the EXACT month and day).


Bonus - May
Holy crap, how'd you find May 20th

That was hard, had to dig through PDF files. But once I got May, the day wasn't so hard.

EDIT- Slick, SD. :D


evencame up w/ it too.

not even doing my financial accounting homework so I could get a few more ISOMs off of my small college budget.

:angry:okay, to get started:

3. Rob Simmons, Christopher Shays, John B. Larson, Nancy L. Johnson, Rosa L. DeLauro, that should be all, so 5 of 'em

wait, I should win this as he listed total reps., these above are just the ones from CT!

not even doing my financial accounting homework so I could get a few more ISOMs off of my small college budget.

Funny, because I put off studying for my history midterm tomorrow for this.

EDIT- Sir, he meant state legislature. :(

I thought I had a chance to pay off some of the sticks I owe ya. ???

I'm gonna cry now.

what are you guys doing on this earl any way?

I mean c'mon go to sleep or somethin' so I can win the next one.
Heh, I was studying for midterms when I came upon this. Guess that's what I'm doing now again as well.