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Trinidad Fundadores


Cigar DJ
Aug 20, 2001
Last night we went to the drive in, and sitting there watching MIB II I lit the one Trinidad Fundadores Cigar I had . Now last Christmas I gifted a few of these away as secret Santa gifts, yet never tried one untill last night.

The look was a sturdy build a nice long smoke the scent was great it had matured well (I think this one was a 1998 )
I lit it and found a Honey sweetness to this smoke. The guy in the next car started sniffing outside the car, He said excuse me but that is a devine cigar. I asked if he smoked and grabbed my travel dor he said he use to and thanked me for the offer.
I sat back and savored that smoke, it was a cool treat.
The sweet and robust flavor only grew to a bold and Yummy finish. Now I have nubbed cigars before but this one was one of the all time (desire to burn you fingers) cigars.

What is funny is this is the exact place (drive in) that I fell in love with the partagas short cigars.
So the verdict is in, that particular Trinidad Fundadores won as my alltime favorite Cuban smoke.

It was rather divine.


:p :p
Sounds like a good smoke HB, I can't wait to toast one of those myself someday! I heard before that they were Awsome!! I think it was Beast that said it, Hmmmm :D
So we have close to identical tastes..
Anejo Trini, hemingway...
They are nice looking cigars! I think I might have to order a couple and see what all the hubub is about!

Great review! I definitely agree... Trinis are a great smoke!


Joe, its safe to say another trini will meet its death soon......very soon! ;) :sign:
Warning...Mooch attempt to follow!!!

Geez those sound like great cigars! Golly, I never had one of those!!
I will be sure and post a review if I *Ever* get to try one!

*Mooch Off*

I have heard from a few Cuban Only afficianados who claim the Fundadores as the best cuban smoke available. That is, or would be, quite a claim, and if true, quite a smoke.
BTW, if the above Mooch was successful, the pushover can find my addy in my profile :D
Its good but the best cuban available? Thats going to be different from person to person IMO.
Agreed, as always, ones man's rocket is another man's Premo. But if the masses call it great, I for one will be finding out what MY take is on it ASAP.

My experience with Island smokes is very very limited but I have enjoyed each and every one I have had.
PB, I seem to remember that a Trini will be headed your way very soon now in your pass. Unless somebody poached it, LOL....
I do believe you are correct FatherT, but don't let that stop anybody from sending me another :D

Would be a shame to smoke the only one in existance ???

But smoke it I will, yes sir

Thanks for reminding me My Father :D
Thats not a mooch attempt PB not from you.
Get a little origional will ya, even follow the typical layout of a mooch thread.

Gee I haven't tried one of those - works sometimes when your buddies are flush with a particular smoke.

But you need the Drama for a good mooch, you know.

Im so sad.. my this or that..and I have no hope..

Maybe I will write the megga mooch post today.
Dammit! I put one in someones pass instead of keeping it for myself... Damn greed, need more of it :p

Sounds like a great smoke, the one I had was a gift from Gil, and I regifted it to someone. Don't remember who got that one, but somebody is going to be really happy with it from the sounds of it :)
problem is, if there is only one trinni in PB's pass
and nobody lets him mooch one, how will i get to try one when
the pass gets home? :p

i'm sure if i reach for that gar, i'll pull back a nub!! ???
This is a good cigar, except every one I have smoked have burned crooked! ???
Question is...........is it worth $25 a stick?
