I don't know costs(Tickets and/or hotel packages) from Bahamas to Cuba, but do know that the U.S. Gov't and Bahamain Gov't have an agreement that whenever U.S. Immigration wants to board the flight they will and can. You know what happens next if you are on that plane.
This does not happen all the time though just random checks,but still a risk when thier are other 3 rd countries you can use to get to Cuba without the Harassment.
However,If you do still take the chance carry Cad$ or EURO cash,do not take your credit cards with you if thier from an American bank,
and especially AMEX and/or Traveller checks in USD$.
Still all the same check it out with some tour agencies and pop that question.
about the rumor with Immigration :whistling: Feel out the situtation. Good luck on your quest!!!

Oh...if you do go and need a casa particular, I know of quite a few addresses...very clean and modern right on the Malecon within walking distance of Havana Vieja and Vedado area.All rooms have A/C, small fridge with a supply of sodas,fruit juices, water & cervezas. :thumbs: Hot and cold running water, :thumbs: and the inside of these casa are beautiful...marble floors, antique furnishings and very modern in appliances. :thumbs:
You can e-mail me or PM I get you some number's.Thier is one guy that he speaks fluent English also and has his own car too.