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Just another Squirrel
May 17, 2006
Well guys I have not been on the site very much because I have been at Ft Bliss, TX doing more Army training. Well it is almost over only 6 more days to go and it is a good thing because I am almost out of smokes. I am just glad it was only a 30 day field problem. I saved a Power Ranger for the flight home.

Be back soon!

Tas :thumbs:
Bliss?? I am so sorry. Well I hope the smokes were good.

Bliss?? I am so sorry. Well I hope the smokes were good.


Hey don't talk smack about Bliss, I loved being stationed there! Its one hell of a nice post and 1000 x better than Hood.

Ft. Bliss huh, Well Well Well, say hi to the cadre over at the Sgt. Major Academy for me Tasman :whistling: I used to be a life guard at their pool :laugh: (best Army duty I ever had, TDY pay to boot)

Thats the only school there I'd wager you'd be going to :thumbs:
Good to hear from you Dean and I remember the days well being at Bliss myself. Hotter than hell by 7am and dry. I was there in 1992 going to the Battle Staff Course which at the time was at the Sgt. Major Academy. Enjoy the Power Ranger as an end to the field problem and give me a call when you get back to Hood....... :) :thumbs: :cool:
Nice to hear from you Dean. I was wondering why you have been so quiet lately. BTW, I missed your Avatar too. :love:
I'm backkkkkk!

Thanks guys well Bliss is one thing but White Sands sucks! :cool:
No offense??

Same rules just not during stand-to in the morning!