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Thank you Mark!


Growing too fast.
Oct 6, 2007
I mentioned in a recent review that I'd love to get hold of some cigars and today not only did I receive some of those unbelievable smokes, but others included that I've been wanting to get my hands on for a while now. Thanks so much Mark for the incredible generosity!!
I mentioned in a recent review that I'd love to get hold of some cigars and today not only did I receive some of those unbelievable smokes, but others included that I've been wanting to get my hands on for a while now. Thanks so much Mark for the incredible generosity!!

Not a problem, Greg. Glad I could get those out to you. I've been enjoying your reviews since last January, informative and full of great pictures. And now I have 1 post on CigarPass! We'll see if it takes another 16 months for the next one. :p
See that ^^^^^^^^^^? That right there is what they call _mututal respect_. Nice hit Huero71, you couldn't have picked a better target.
Excellent play Mark. Why not make your way over to the intro forum and let us know a bit about yourself?