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Someone came by my house


Gettin' my nerd on, Hopp Schwiez!
Feb 20, 2008
So I had a party over the week-end and have yet to pick up all the chairs and table out of the car port. Appearently, while my life was out picking up my son someone came by the house and left me something.

It is both annoying and funny, but not going to make any difference in my smoking habits.
They must have thought you were a cigarette smoker.
You should convince the wifey to let you blow it up to large poster size and put it in the front lawn for a couple weeks. That would be hilarious.

If she says no to that then say "Well can I at least put the pamphlet on the front door? "
They went in your yard and left it like that? I'd call the cops and ask them to dust it for prints.
I want to say a few things about the kind of person/mind set, that would do that, but the language would not be acceptable.

Just remember, no one likes a quitter :whistling:
Friends don't let friends quit... smokin cigars that is... :whistling:
Be glad no one was home to actually get irritated by them. When they ring our doorbell we all freeze and pretend no one is home, even the dog!
Wow, pushing smoking nazi beliefs AND religion on you...that takes some balls. Time to get the shotgun ready...
Its a good thing your "life" wasn't home.

I didn't notice I wrote that, must have been a Fruedian slip because at least for me wife=life.

I'm guessing they came and knocked on the door with no answer then left it. In my former life, I used to do this kind of thing for another religion, but we never left stuff at houses where we did not know the residents. That being said at the age I did it, I may have thought it would be a funny joke.
My entire family (Except for me and my brother) are the religion that left you this.

This "magazine" makes a nice bonfire starter. Or light your cigars with this one.

Whats better is now they recorded that they left literature with you, and will come back again to ask if you had any questions, or thoughts about it.