Hello, I'm new to the forum and wish to dive deeper into the cigar culture, discovering better quality cigars. Currently I am 18 years old (soon to be 19) and living with my parents while attending college. As the title says, my parents, or atleast my dad is against smoking in any shape or form, we only had two smokers in the family and that is my cousin and my great uncle who i only saw once in my life. I've been interested in cigars for about a year and a half now, so far smoked some romeo y julietas and macanudos, obviously smoking out of their sight. Many threads i see with this same situation, show the new smoker being honest with their parents and it comes off as not big of a deal. Well... I'm not so sure with my father, because he even enforces his no smoking rule on my cousin who only smokes cigars. What he usually does while at my cousin's house (he is 28) and if he sees cigars or accessories is he throws them away or tosses them out the window, even going to the extent of throwing away his roommate's cigarettes. I wanted to actually make this a hobby of mine, buying a small humidor to start and explore, though I'm afraid my father would just throw everything away, plus I'll feel like some addict when i only smoke behind parent's back. I understand I'm living under his roof, though I don't want to be constantly paranoid of a new interest of mine. Any advice? Thanks everyone