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Siglo I, II, III, IV, V, and VI tubos...

Mr Peat

Rich Perelman, "Loren you have a Godlike Presence.
Nov 4, 2005
Well I got board and thought I wonder how these 6 would stack upto each other in a nice Cohiba Siglo day of smoking pretty much nonstop. I did take some pictures but will post them at a future date night or tomorrow as some how I was talked into staying. All the Sig's are unknown year and box code which is acceptable to me as i know where they came from. Onto the reviews:

Siglo I: This wrapper had to be one of the sickest sticks I've seen in a long time. But that didnt stop me from smoking it. I pulled out my trusty old Xikar and clipped the cap off. The prelight didnt take but a couple seconds before it roared to life. The burn on this one required many touch ups and I forgot to take notes when I fired this one up but it was after 12:30pm. The smoke seemed pretty mild at first but it was like a raw untamed Cohiba beast. It had a soft smell after a puff and then it just had one hell of a kick. It did smoke cool to the end. Ash was pretty dark throughout the smoke. It gradually picked up in strength as I smoked it and never got a rough smoke. If you smoked one, you should be able to tell its a Cohiba Siglo, but rough around the edges.

Siglo II: I started smoking this was at 1pm. This cigar looked much healthier than the sick looking Siglo I. Another cigar that didnt take long to get lit either. The ash was yet again dark like the Siglo I. It was also very similiar to the Siglo I, but more refined. It also took on a milder note. The burn also was way better than the first one which is always a plus while smoking a cigar as it should never be work. I did noticed that the ash had some nice speckles in it like if someone had a salt and pepper shaker.I preferred this one over the Siglo I as the II is more refined and not as raw. I figure if you want a raw Cohiba/isom cigar, then grab a Sig I. I smoked the II in exactly 1 hour.

Siglo III: I took like a 5 minute break to clear the pallate. I started this one at 2:10pm. The cut was very good and getting it lit was yet again easy. This particular cigar was better looking than the previous 2. The smoke had a unique flavor found in every Siglo I had upto this point which didnt surprise me. I noticed as I worked through the line, it got more refined than the previous cigar. This particulare cigar was mild and smoked cool in the mouth. I smoked each one down to the last 1/2" mark and still hadnt got hot or unpleasant. I paid attention to the ash on this one. It was dark once again bu t this stick ash took on what reminded me of those many layed biscuits. This particular cigar I was able to lay my hands on a taste. It was woody in nature. I couldnt really place my hands on the first II as the III was more refined in all catergories than the previous 2 smokes. Not even 5 minutes on this stick it already took a transition. A little after the transition, the stick had a problem. The roller left a nice air pocket in the cigar so it burned really off for a few minutes which sucked. But at the flawed area, you could see the oil come out of the wrapper and just sizzle before burning. It looked pretty cool. Upto this point, I preferred the III over the other 2 sticks.

Siglo IV: I started this smoke at 4:55pm and everything went smoothly in cutting and lighting. I've smoked these before so its a short review. The ash was peppery in nature and once again, dark ash all the way through the cigar. Relatively free of touch ups which made me happy. The smoke stayed cool and whenever I would smell the smoke, it would be gentle at first and then it was like a untame beast went crazy in my nose. Kinda burned but it had the same signature profile as the previous 3. I could not mistake that these was Cohibas. This particulare stick had a leathery/nutty after taste. Upto this point, favorite Siglo hands down. Not much to say other than this is just a great smoke, period.

Siglo V: Sad to note this cigar. I started at 5:23pm and this wrapper looked dark. Way darker than any natural wrapper i have seen and especially on a Cohiba. It has the old style band on it. Again, it had some nice sunspots to the wrapper which I was happy about. It started out flat as a cigar can be. i'm thinking I will go the first 1/4" and it will open up as I have seen happen on more cigars than I can even remember. Nope...Nodda. So I smoke more and hope it snaps out of this. The smoke was mild and so was the cigar. Crap...Cant be. Its a dud. Way past its prime completely. As i got these as single sticks, I do not have a box code on them. The ash was dark and peppery while the smoke was cool in the mouth. It had a lot of promise looking at it but it just wasnt there so I tossed it. Oh well...You cant win them all.

Siglo VI: Another cigar I have smoked and hell, may even wrote a short brief review about. Every thing went find. It did had all the qualities of the ash being dark and peppery as the previous 5 Siglos. It had a subtle nutty after taste which was followed up by a little note of spiciness. I was very pleased with this stick. Not much I can say about this one since I do not want to cheapen the smoking experience. As i told a guy at the store that I talk to all the time there, this is the Cadiallac of the Siglo line. By far my favorite with the #4 not far behind. Kinda biased since the #5 was a dud.

I will post pictures when I get home tonight and may just do them tomorrow since its been crazy in KC since Saturday. :thumbs:
Damn Loren, you ok bro?

Thanks for the reviews, very interesting, figured the VI would come out on top. Lookin' forward to the pics.
Nice Loren, I think that qualifies you to be an honorary Cuban citizen.
I think it would also make me "Siglo Sick"

I knew ahead of time that you were doing this but it's still amazing to read about the experience from beginning to end. Sounds like on average, the Siglo line wasn't very impressive with the exception of the VI.

BTW, did the VI tubos seem different from the VI plain?

Wonder if the V was just in a sick period or a rare dud. It couldn't be more than 14 years old, and I would imagine that even the original release Siglos would still be excellent - not really "in your face," but excellent.
What, you only smoked the Siglo's in one sitting, what about
the rest of the Cohiba's, very disappointing :laugh:

Personally I like the Siglo IV. I have a box of 05 VI's resting,
was not impressed with one I smoked 4 months back.

Loren, I guess the term "rainy day" is not in your vocabulary.
Seems to me you smoke them up before the rain starts :laugh:

Thanks for the review experience.

As I always say,"anything worth doing, is worth over doing."

Best day ever! :cool:

And it's always nice when each one's better than the last (with the exception of the Siglo V sidetrack)!

Actually, I've been hesitant to buy any Siglo Vs because I've heard many complaints like yours...some people seem to adore them, but many others say the V is the dog rocket of the Linea 1492.
I'm impressed! I think my 1st siglo will be the IV. from all the reviews i've read it seems the better bang for the buck in the siglo line.
The V was definitely a dud. Like I say...you win some and lose some. I will get another V probably next month but it was definitely a lot older than the rest. Once I post the pictures, everyone will see what these looked like. My list is definitely the VI in first place, then the IV, then III, II, and finally I in last place. It was definitely a great way to see which one I actually preferred as I already had the IV's and VI's before which I have loved. But smoking them in a row showed me first hand which was the better stick for me. I stress the part for me cuz for someone else, it may not be the same observations and its all good.

Wilkey, I couldnt tell the difference between the tubos VI and a VI from a 10 count box. But there is only one way to truly know and that is get both of them again for a side by side grudge match. Which may happen. :D
Nice review Loren.... well I didnt think anyone would do that in such a short time period, but ...ahem... well hats off to ya! I really enjoy the Sig III, IV and VI myself, but have never had a Sig V myself. Nice write up , and to the point. :thumbs:
Nicely done Loren! You keep impressing me with your smoking lineups. All I can say at this point is keep them coming. :thumbs: I am living vicariously (sp) through your reviews! :)

Interesting...I've smoked a handful of Cohiba's and I have to say, I'm not impressed. Not sure what I'm missing, but the cigars just haven't been that good. Could be an age thing...I've purchased a couple and been gifted a few. I've given away most of the ones I bought. They make good gifts. For me, they've been more fun to give away than to smoke.

I'll make a note to make sure I retry the VI.

Thanks for the review.