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seasoning question


New Member
Jan 29, 2017
Hello all,
So I just bought a humidor (Savoy, med. sized desktop type) and the store owner says to season it I need to just wipe down the inside surfaces with water twice daily for 5 days. After that toss in my cigars with a couple of those humidity seasoning packets and all should be good.

Well, after 4 days of "watering" the RH was only at 45%, so now I put a sponge in there, suspended so as to not be directly touching any wood, and am waiting for several days for all the water from the sponge to be absorbed. Is this a good/bad plan? Will the box eventually absorb the water from the sponge. I want to check on it, but know that it's best to leave it closed.

Here is another question: COULDN'T I JUST SEASON IT WITH THOSE HUMIDITY PACKETS ALONE? I would probably need to go through a bunch of them to get the humidity level where it needs to be, but would that eventually work, or is this a bad idea??
Congrats on the new humidor. I will kindly suggest you do a search on the topic here, I am quite certain you will find your answers as this topic has been discussed more than once around here. In fact, I believe there is a seasoning guide posted here too. While you are at it give the new member guide a read and post an intro. Welcome to the forums.
Please search. I hope you didn't excessively wipe down your new humidor, or you've likely damaged it. It can take up to 2 weeks to fully season a humidor. Are you using the 84% Boveda brand humidor seasoning packets or just regular humidity packets? They do come with instructions, or at least they should have. Do not obsess over reaching and maintaining 70/70. But a new humidor should reach that level. Patience is your friend.
Yes, packets alone. Don't wet the wood directly.

Close the lid, wait 14 days, then enjoy.
Do not under any circumstances wipe down the interior of your humidor. You'll only manage to raise the grain or worse. A shot glass of water, beads, (recommended), humi-packs etc. will work well. Be patient. Unfortunately the cigar business isn't served well by many of its employees. Most of them wouldn't know a toro from a petite corona if it bit them in the ass.

Also...I hope you're using distilled water. As tap water has minerals. Minerals and deposits are not your friend. At all costs, avoid that Propylene Glycol crap peddled as "cigar juice".
Also...I hope you're using distilled water. As tap water has minerals. Minerals and deposits are not your friend. At all costs, avoid that Propylene Glycol crap peddled as "cigar juice".
I forgot one needs to spell everything out for noobs. Always use distilled water and never Porpylene Glycol. That crap is for dinosaurs older than me.

I forgot one needs to spell everything out for noobs. Always use distilled water and never Porpylene Glycol. That crap is for dinosaurs older than me.

Or deicing airplane wings. Seriously. PG doesn't belong in the same room as a cigar.
Or deicing airplane wings
Did Radomes. We did in 6 weeks what Raytheon couldn't do in 6 years.

PG is a pain. It is very hard to determine percentage after initial set-up. Some would say it does not evaporate. Cigar vendors continue to sell it as a 50/50 mix, and as a "refill". I object to that.