I have always liked the Sancho Panza brand cigars rolled in Cuba. They are well made from good tobacco and aim to please the mid-priced consumer. A number of years ago Sancho Panza cigars began to be rolled in Honduras for the USA market. Although these too were aimed at the modest priced market in the USA. Due to their lower prices these cigars are often overlooked by many chuffers in the USA. I made a note of their attractive appearance and reasonable prices so I became determined to try some. I recently latched on to the Sancho Panza Double Maduro Lancero. This is a well constructed, well rolled cigar in a wrapper the color of dark chocolate. Despite the fact that Sancho Panza calls this a Lancero sized cigar it is in fact more like a Robusto in size and smoke. These are box pressed, substantial cigars that provide about 20-40 minutes of smoke. The cap on these dark beauties cuts cleanly and evenly. Lighting produced a huge cloud of smoke that confirmed both that this cigar was correctly constructed and that the tobacco was relatively fresh. The cloud of white smoke continued all through the cigar providing an invigorating and wonderful experience. The immediate flavor as you light up is of dark bitter chocolate. This lasts through much of the first part of the cigar. About half way through the Lancero the flavor transformed into a mocha with the last third taking on a Café Cubano flavor. Flavors are rich and robust but in no way harsh or bitter. Despite the popular notion that Maduro cigars are the smoking equivalent of a diesel truck have found that most of the better made Maduro cigars, like the one in question, are rich, highly flavored but not bitter. I have had five of these wonderful cigars so far without a bad one. Construction is top notch, tobacco appears to be quality stock and packaging is low key and understated. At less than $4.00 per cigar these are a tremendous bargain. With some looking one might be able to find these cigars for between $3.50 and $3.75 a piece. I recommend them.