This is definitely NOT the best of the SC line

The El Morros from '99, '00 & 01 are "inconsistent" and that's being kind

. I haven't smoked any newer El Morros but they have to be better than the older ones. When I'm in the mood for larger cigars, I love the taste of the El Morros BUT the tight draw problems with these is aggravating

I hope to get my hands on some '03 El Morros sometime soon.
I've also had a couple of boxes of La Fuerzas (very close to a robusto) that were a little on the tight side for me. These were also 2000 box codes as well.
The La Puntas are a popular size (Campanas, identical dimensions to a BBF) and the few of those I've tried seem to smoke pretty well.
I think the best in the line are the El Principes (Minuto, same size as Party Short, BCJ and RASCC) and my recommendation is to steer towards the '03 box codes on those