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Member 200
Aug 1, 2001
Well, tonite for a late evening smoke (I'm really trying to kick the smokeless habit) I reached in the fridgador, grabbed a RyJ-NON, and I don't believe it would have mattered what size it was.

My eyes, and hand selected it knowing it was not the RyJ island that I have grown to know and appreciate. WTF, I just wanted a nicotine fix for the night....right?

Parked it on the front porch. Went thru the pre-light/lighting ritual, and puff-puff-puff....I damn near hurled in the yard. :(

FYI: if you ever wanted to quit smoking....at least RyJ, just smoke some island RyJ..then reach for a non island RyJ and see if ya don't agree.

Rod, we really neeeeeed an emoticon that sticks it's tongue out, without a smile.

About a year ago I tried a non-island RyJ and didn't care for it too much. The other night I was gifted with an island RyJ. I lite up half expecting to "suffer" through this cigar in the name of good manners when to my delight I found out I really enjoyed it!

Definately a difference between island and non-island RyJ.

Guess I'll be the fly in the ointment. I like the RyJ Vintage (non-Habana), especially with some age on them. A very smooth, mild-medium cigar that is great with after work drinks. The regular line I don't care for at all.

Mark, which one did you smoke?
Pretty sure it was the regular line...either exhib #3..clemen..or Bully. Best as I recall...was about a 50-52X5-6
I love the Glass Tubo's w/ cedar sleave. The last one I had was covered with bloom. Nirvana!

That wasnt the one I gave you when you were in SA is it Horse?
Naw Jason, that one's sittin at the bottom of my assorted box...lettin it rest for a loooong time.
After your experiance it sound like it will be a real long time. I had a similar experiance with a few cigars. One an Opus X FF. Sometimes you can have a quality cigar and other factors (what you have or havent eaten) can play in to getting green from a stogie. For me if its really hot outside and I'm not hydrated it will do it everytime. ???
Yall are all wrong..... Mark is just turning into a cigar snob.... :p :sign:
Kenny, Can you take any of the "credit" for turning Mark into a GarSnob? Hmmmmm? Can Ya?? ;)
Horse, it looks like life has a way of turnin on you once they find out you left your Swishers behind you. Get back in touch with your non-discriminate taste buds of days gone by, Have a Tampa!!!