Punch Event


Jul 16, 2001
Stopped into the New York City JR today (at 46th and 5th), and to my surprise the Punch people where there! They were giving away free Punch cigars, in double corona size, and they took your picture with the cigar! Basically if youve seen the latest punch ads with celebs like Newman from Seinfield, or Dennis Hopper, it is a picture of the celeb, holding the cigar with the shadow of the little punch character behind them. The great part was they took your picture in this fashion, and gave your a print. So now I have a print of me in a cigar ad, a free cigar, and copies of the celebs ads as well..all FREE! Thanks to the folks at Punch! In addition to all this, they are going to email everyone a copy of the picture in the form of a screensaver.
Sweet deal. When're they coming out my way? (n/w 'burbs of Chicago). I'm a sucker for a free cigar!

Dave :D