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price gougeing

Double D

alphabetically challenged
Oct 27, 2005
Not sure this is the right place for this thread but wanted to post a warning to everyone.Last week i ordered from best cigar prices.com 4 griffin robustos for $29 wich was fine. I receaved my cigars and they had charged me$18 for shipping and handling so i phoned the company (parent company is new global) and asked.The woman on the phone was rude and beligerant when i asked to speak to superviser she screamed at me she was the superviser. After much discussion she offered to let me speak to John who was the shipping guy he explained that because he had to drive to the post office it was $18 (i live at an apo so ups doesnt deliver)i told him that the package was sent standard mail and weighed less than a pound he then agreed to credit my card. Today i receaved my credit card invoice no credit so i payed $47.50 for four grifin cigars. Called the company they said that was thier policy so customer beware.I learned my lesson the hard way.

edited corected an error in parent co name.My spelling is horrible sorry.
Another BOTL takes one for the team. Thanks for the info. Maybe you should post this in the Hot Cigar Deals or Lobby section just to make sure more people see it.

I'm going to send them an email stating that I will never be ordering from them. I hate when companies get away with this crap.

Edit: If you paid by credit card, you could always put a stop on the payment. That will get their attention pretty darn quick.
I sympathize with ya, Double. I was on the phone just last night with a non-cigar vendor that just doesn't get it when it comes to shipping. I'd ordered three quite small items totalling about $38 and they wanted to charge me more than $17 for USPS priority mail...just because I live in Alaska. That's a whopping 46% of my order total. I talked to a supervisor, informed her that their shipping policy just lost them a customer and cancelled the order.

I then called another vendor and they too wanted to tack on an extra $15 for shipping to my state. To add insult to injury, the guy tried to feed me a line about the Post Office requiring them to charge extra. Hello? I was on the USPS website at that very moment using their postage calculator. A 3-pound package (a heavy estimate for what I wanted), shipped anywhere in the bloody country, came up to $8.55 plus an extra service charge of...wait for it...nada. Moron.

There are so many other places that don't try to rake Alaskans, APOers, and others over the coals, that I have absolutely no patience for those that do. I say rip 'em a new one and let 'em bleed.
I just sent a package to new jersey for friend of mine cigars sent it 3 day express cost$17.50 the one i receaved was standard mail but what can you do?I dont want to attack them just want folks to be aware so it doesnt happen to them.
Sorry to hear about you getting ripped DoubleD. Dispute it with your credit card company, make them earn that $18.

I find there is two things, I always do that prevents these kind of surprises.

#-1. I, as I suspect many others here, always always always use only a virtual credit card when buying on-line. I have a couple credit cards that have this program, I think the best is my Citicorp card. It allows me to generate a unlimited amount of unique credit card numbers, generally I create one on-the-fly for each purchase. It can be done via a JAVA applet or via a webpage. Either way, I can set the MAX $ amount and the expiration date each time. I can also go into my account and kill an existing number if an order is delayed or the vendor is non-responsive. So for example if the charge is suppose to $29 for the sticks, plus $8 for shipping, I'd create a new virtual number for $37. The charge will be declined if it exceeds that amount. Generally the vendor then contacts you and you have a chance to decide if the up-charge is legit. All this is free, matter of fact my Citi card pays me 1-5% back in cash from day one.

#-2. Always deal with an online company that clearly displays it street address and phone number in the event of a problem.

Just my 2 cents...it avoids a lot of problems and surprises.
Great advice brewmeister. I'm going to check with my credit card to see if they do that.
Double D said:

Best Cigar Prices offers the best
Cigar pricing on the internet
this is off there web site

so is this:

P.O. Box 652
Stone Ridge, NY 12484
845.658.7610 voice
845.658.7618 fax
chew them a new one
or... maybe they would like a 1000 page fax? :whistling:
I just found this on their website:

*** AMERICAN TROOPS ! - We support you and every order that we ship to an APO we will include a FREE three pack of cigars as a token of our support.

Now we know how they're covering those free cigars ;)
actually they did send me 2 oba's free but that dont mean they get to gouge me
Double D said:
actually they did send me 2 oba's free but that dont mean they get to gouge me

So wait, on top of everything else they shorted you one of your free sticks?

Makes me wish there was something I could do that wouldn't amount to harrassment.
i dont remember how many it may have been three i receaved 3 boxes of cigars from diffrent firms last week i dont want to hurt them just make people aware.
Wrong is wrong. I'm sorry this has happened to you but am happy that we all know about it now. Do they advertise here? on other community cigar forums?

I'd have to say that the best way to alert people is to post this to numerous news groups. That way word spreads, and there's nothing worse than word of this to many potential sales. Soon, you'll see how fast they drop their shipping shenanigans and do things a bit more on the level.

Didn't someone else just recently have nearly the same experience with a vendor involving the excessive shipping and claiming the drive to the PO as the reason?
Wow, scumbags.

That list of POS board stockers, for scammers and such, forgot the URL, Maybe we can get those guys to start a reference page for vendors.
Lumberg said:
Double D said:
actually they did send me 2 oba's free but that dont mean they get to gouge me

So wait, on top of everything else they shorted you one of your free sticks?

Makes me wish there was something I could do that wouldn't amount to harrassment.

I dunno...you could smoke a low-tox, the green guy might scare 'em a bit... :laugh:
I got a reply to my email I sent to the company:

I do remember this, and although it is against our policy to discuss other customers' issues, I will say that I DID credit him $10 after the fact, although it may not have appeared on his statement at that time. As far as his interaction with my coworker, only they know how the conversation went so I can not speculate, although I was in the office at the time and did not hear any screaming. I hope you and your friend will reconsider the situation in this light and continue to do business with us.
Thank you for your time.
If i see a refund i will be happy to post it. Again it has never been my intent to do harm to this firm just make fellow buyers beware.