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Pre-Embargos in Vegas


Jun 5, 2005
I was recently in Vegas, to meet up w/ Moki for a smoke or two. I noticed in a few of the casino cigar shops that they were selling Pre-Embargo and Clear Havana cigars. They started at $115 each and went up over $500 each. :0 Most of the ones that I looked at looked like dried up cat turds. :laugh: And if they weren't turd shaped they looked as if they had not lived a good life. Some of the ones in glass tubes looked alright and the ones wrapped in foil, well, you could not see those. I asked which ones were popular and of course they were the really cat turd looking ones that were $115 each. I asked what kind of feedback they got from people that smoked them. They said that they are fantastic and everybody loves them. My F'n ass! :0 I felt them and they were not dry but they definetly were for many years of thier existence. Re-hydraded cat turds!! :whistling: I almost bought one to try for shits and giggles and to tell them that they sucked, because I knew they would.

There used to be a guy by San Diego that had a bunch of dried up clear Havanas. He seems to be gone now, at least his phone is disconnected. I bet somebody bought his whole stock and re-hydrated them for selling them in Vegas. JMHO.

Has anybody seen these in Vegas, or better yet, tried one? ???

One guy in the Ceasars Palace store stated that he has tried several of these old cigars and they were "fantastic" but he could not come up with any opinions of flavor profiles on any of them. :rolleyes:

Hmm. This one tastes like cardboard. This one tastes like posterboard and this one tastes like a cigarette carton! :sign: :rolleyes:
....further proof that the stupid will always step up to the plate. Some jackass wins some bank at the tables and suddenly, blowing $500.00 on a "Koo-ban" makes perfect sense. After blowing his mad cash on a big dollar "pre-embargo" stick, OF COURSE it'll be the BEST smoke he's ever had. 'Course, it's likely to be the only smoke he's ever had, but who cares at at that point..... :laugh:

Kudos, Alan, for taking the plunge to get the data but I think your evaluation is very likely spot on.

Cheers - B.B.S.
The cigarshop at the RIO has the "PREEMBARGO" cigars.
Of course when I asked to see them I was told only ppl who are buying them can touch them etc etc. Needless to say I walked out as I lit up my GOF..LOL!
That's the problem with pre-embargo cigars, you don't know how they've been cared for. Imagine back in the 70's someone found a box in a garage sale and had them in a humidor for the past 30 years. Sure they would "feel" right, but still lost thier essential oils. Even boxes from the late 70's are questionable.
That's the problem with pre-embargo cigars, you don't know how they've been cared for. Imagine back in the 70's someone found a box in a garage sale and had them in a humidor for the past 30 years. Sure they would "feel" right, but still lost thier essential oils. Even boxes from the late 70's are questionable.

Oh Ya. But I think that I have been very lucky w/ the one I have purchased. They have all been boxes that look like they have been stored perfectly over thier entire existence. That is why I always show pics in my reviews, so that people can see what they are supposed to look like. They have all tasted great too, as you have and will see from my reviews. Even though the ones I bought were expensive for a box of cigars, they were WAY cheap compared to the Vegas prices. So I count myself lucky for sure.
I saw a couple of boxes at the Partagas factory(I think thats the name) on the strip. They do look like shit. I think the most expensive ones were $450 and they were like 4"X40 small perfecto shaped. People say Casa is bad for price.
preembargo's in Vegas? What are you talking about? I haven't been in Vegas since I was 14. :sign:
preembargo's in Vegas? What are you talking about? I haven't been in Vegas since I was 14. :sign:

Some how I knew that we would hear from you on this one! :laugh: I think it is time for you to go again in June. ;)
Atuck --

I saw them in Caesar's too when I was out there a few weeks ago and the dude said that they were the real deal. The brands where those of ones that I never heard of and they did look like cat turds.
who would buy a $150-500 cigar? i went to atlantas in the islands and they had some there for 80 a piece, they only people i saw buying them where wealthy vacationees who had never smoked a cigar in thier life! I would imagine it would probaly be the same as the people who would buy them in vegas....
I met a guy that sells pre-embargos some of it was real deal for sure, but all deffinately appeared to be Cuban origin. His stash was selling from the smallest $25 single to $250+ single, he had some full boxes as well. I bought some 1958 Flor de Farrach they looked nasty and they smoked great.
who would buy a $150-500 cigar? i went to atlantas in the islands and they had some there for 80 a piece, they only people i saw buying them where wealthy vacationees who had never smoked a cigar in thier life! I would imagine it would probaly be the same as the people who would buy them in vegas....

Plenty of people would spend that kind of money for some cigars. The single most expensive cigars I have smoked were up in the lower end of that range. They are part of the defining moments of my cigar smoking life. There is something to be said to be smoking something that is 1) A well aged, fantastic cigar AND 2) A part of history, that is worth more than the "sum of its parts."
When I smoked an early to mid 70's Dunhill Selection Monte #2, I had already read about them, and did not expectit to smoke much differently that a similarly aged Monte #2, but it was worth more to me to have had the experience.

Now, I also was in Atlantas and watched the rich putzes going to light their 80 dollar cigar while the girl at the shop chuckled..."Sir, would you like me to clip that for you?" so I totally know what you are getting at. There are cigars that (to some people) truly are worth the money. Certain times in my life, certain cigars are indeed worth it.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to stand outside the office and smoke half of a 1959 Montecristo...I'll stub it out and smoke the rest after work. (Damn, it hurt just WRITING that).