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Pipe Newbie trying to get a solid start


New Member
Jul 6, 2008
Good evening all in the Pipe forum:

I must say that I have been impressed by the Cigar Pass community. I have seen many instances of people trying to help others to expand this past time. I have recently decided to give the pipe a try. I have limited exposure pipes and cigars in general but I have developed certain preferences.

I enjoy Perdermo, La Gloria Habana, Camancho Triple Mad, and if I'm really feeling froggy La Flor Dominica (a 6 pack of red bull couldn't get my blood going as fast).

I live in charlotte, nc and every time I looking for a good smoke my local joints are closed for the day (I tend to want a smoke when everything is closed as well...strange correlation). Which is where the pipe comes into play. It seems more economical to be able to have your favorite blends available without having to invest and maintain a humidor. If anyone can chime in as to good locations in my area I would much appreciate it.

I am currently working with a cobb. I am tamping with a golf tee ( I am a avid golfer and its natural for me). I am looking for some assistance in purchasing a pipe for now. Something that screams function with a traditional style to it (I typically always prefer function to style). I'd like to grab another cobb to start a rotation between them and to experiment with different flavors. Overall, pipes don't require a ton of maintenance to start with.

I love coffee (breakfast blends and columbians for decaf), tea, rye whiskey, bourbon, scotch, discovered the martini and the Manhattan recently, and have a taste every once and a while for decent vodka. I like to cook and that being said I learned the best when I screw something up and fix it so to speak. Also, when I really do a good job at cooking a good meal for myself, I tend to want a smoke right about 45 minutes after. I used to be a heavy cigarette smoker but have dumped them.

All that being said, If anyone has some good recommendations for me and can take a newbie under his wing I'd very much appreciate it. The Prince Albert I have now would be great for a mild preference but I tend like a fuller flavor even though I can't detect every subtle flavor.

I tend to enjoy the journey into new flavors and preferences and enjoy a good long smoke.

I am new as well and have really enjoyed my Boswell pipe. I HIGHLY recommend them for their pipe and blends.

Good luck enjoy.
I have seen a lot of people throw support behind Boswells. I have been looking through their website. The newer stuff they have is rather out there for my starter tastes at this point. Their classic line looks pretty solid though.

A few of their blends look pretty solid. I am looking for about three blends to get started with. Something on the flavor side and something with a medium to a full flavor. Looks good though.

Just finished my first bowl without having to relight...ah such accomplishments to fulfill a Sunday.
Boswell Classics are some of the best pipes in that price range out there. You can give them a call and see what they have in the shop. There's a lot more pipes ready to go than what is on their website.

For blends, you're just going to have to experiment. If you're looking for aromatics, Boswell makes some of the best. There is also Pipeworks & Wilke (small shop in Vermont), and of course the McClelland and Cornell & Diehl aromatics that are widely available. If you're looking for non-aromatic blends there are SO MANY good ones out there. Frog Morton is a pretty good intro into English blends (try FM Across the Pond for a little fuller flavor). You may want to try some other Burley blends, too. Virginias are really good for good tobacco flavor, but they can be challenging for new pipe smokers. However, it sounds like you're on your way, so they may be a good choice.

If you call Boswell's shop and speak to Dan or JM I'm sure they'd be happy to steer you in the right direction. They have more tobacco than what is listed on their site.

Good luck!
Welcome aboard Everpresent, great to have you here. I'm new to pipes as well and have gravitated towards the non-aromatics as well. I've really enjoyed Rattray's Red Repparee and Dunhill's Nightcap and Squadron Leader (can't recall who makes this). Good luck and I hope you find something you like. Let us know how this goes.
Boswell Classics are some of the best pipes in that price range out there. You can give them a call and see what they have in the shop. There's a lot more pipes ready to go than what is on their website.

Alan, I take it you own a Boswell or two. How often do they update their site? With all the references made involving Boswell pipes, I've been thinking of checking one out.

Boswell Classics are some of the best pipes in that price range out there. You can give them a call and see what they have in the shop. There's a lot more pipes ready to go than what is on their website.

Alan, I take it you own a Boswell or two. How often do they update their site? With all the references made involving Boswell pipes, I've been thinking of checking one out.


I have 6 Boswell pipes. :)

Their updates are sporadic. They used to put a message at the top of the Pipes page a few days before the next update. I don't know if they still do so.

You can always find one in their gallery and send them a message with a pic or call and let them know which pic it is and see if they have anything similar or if they could make you something similar. JM doesn't really do much 100% custom work, but they're willing to make you a pipe if given the general idea of what you want. It may take a bit of time, but it's worth it.

Good luck!

Thanks for the feedback so far. I am going to make an ongoing list and include the flavors provided in the previous comments. I am going to give Boswell's shop a call here soon as the world decides to stop being crazy. Funny thing. Of all my hobbies, habits, or quirks, the people in the cigar and pipe community are very reliable for providing good recommendations that suit what you are looking for. Can't wait to try em out.

Boswell Classics are some of the best pipes in that price range out there. You can give them a call and see what they have in the shop. There's a lot more pipes ready to go than what is on their website.

Alan, I take it you own a Boswell or two. How often do they update their site? With all the references made involving Boswell pipes, I've been thinking of checking one out.


I have 6 Boswell pipes. :)

Their updates are sporadic. They used to put a message at the top of the Pipes page a few days before the next update. I don't know if they still do so.

You can always find one in their gallery and send them a message with a pic or call and let them know which pic it is and see if they have anything similar or if they could make you something similar. JM doesn't really do much 100% custom work, but they're willing to make you a pipe if given the general idea of what you want. It may take a bit of time, but it's worth it.

Good luck!

I now have 12 Boswell's, and one that will be made in the next few months. :whistling:

JM is working on a football related one for me. Gave him all the stuff Saturday. :thumbs: