Mr Peat
Rich Perelman, "Loren you have a Godlike Presence.
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After a visual inspection, the cigar looks to be in excellent shape. The flower was a little damaged. But is difficult to get any where without some damage to it.
I cut the cigar and put flame to it at 3:03pm. The draw is perfect. No signs of any plugs whatsoever so each puff was pleasant. Plenty of smoke off each puff. The initial exhale of smoke through the nasal passage tells me it is still young. I redid this and confirmed for sure it is young at 3:12am. The burn past the dome was flawless. I was a little surprised by this one since so many cigars with a dome need to be corrected. But not this one. I've smoked plenty of Opus X BBMF and BBMF Maduros to know that a correction is neccessary. But once in a while, one will fool you.
Now at 3:15pm, the smoke has a meaty feel to it with a side dish of possibly a chocolate raspberry truffle. I then blew smoke into my hand and see what impressions I get off the smoke. I slowly inhaled some smoke this way and I found it to be pleasant. My impression is that this cigar is a medium to full bodied cigar at this early stage of smoking it. Again, at 3:17pm I blew smoke into my hand so I could inhale the smoke and its still so pleasant. I find most smoke from a Opus X to be a little powerful but I have been blowing the smoke in the hand for some time now in order to control the intake of it. No reason to go over board with it.
My current choice of music is by a Russian band called Фабрика aka Fabrika which means Factory and the album is called Мы Такие Разные. I always enjoy doing a review listening to some Russian music. It always has a way to make me relax while smoke a good cigar from the Opus X fun boxes. I'm outside so its there is some mild wind but its in the 50's for temperature. Plenty of sun light.
Back on track of the review. The ash reminds me what one finds on a BBF. No idea why this is the case but it reminds me from the countless BBF's I've enjoyed over the years. Between the coloring of the ash and how it looks, that is my thoughts of the BBF. I hope my pictures captures what I saw as it burned. Time to ash the cigar for the first time at 3:23pm. The burn is still perfect at this time. The first initial puffs after ashing shows an underlying strength that finally has appeared. At 3:25pm, I inhaled some smoke and yep, my observation about the strength is confirmed. It had hidden in the fore shadows up to the point when I ashed and that is when the presence was noticed for the first time. But I shouldn't be surprised as a big ash can mute what goes on within the cigar as you puff on it.
The smoke is cool in the mouth and I record this at 3:26pm. For a second, I had the thought that I just had a sip of a Chocolate Raspberry Caramel Brandy. I know, it sounds weird but that is my impression for a brief moment in time. It actually was pretty good. I do feel that this cigar would benefit with more age on it. Its still a pretty young cigar since the box was released in Dec 2009. I wouldn't mind having a full box of the BBMF Maduro so that I could smoke them over time and review the whole process of it being aged.
I had a strange flash back while smoking the cigar. I thought I was at my Grandma's kitchen when I was a kid. No idea why this thought entered into my brain but something happened at this point where I did think of my childhood says when I stayed at her house during the summers in Omaha. This revelation occurred at 3:31pm.
Time to ash once again at 3:33pm. The burn has been excellent and the chocolate raspberry truffle makes an appearance once again just after I ashed. The transition of the tongue after the smoke is blown out is interesting. I can taste how it changes a few seconds after. I can't explain what has gone on but it does happen. I just can't put my finger on the experience and I have noticed it on other Opus X I've smoked.
I'm enjoying this cigar a lot. Its a unique cigar so far with several interesting transitions taking place. Mainly they are subtle and not a roller coaster ride of tastes on the tongue which has happened to a few Opus I've smoked before. This is one of those cigars you just want to smoke with no distractions whatsoever. Allow yourself to pull you so you can enjoy a little piece of time by yourself. At 3:39pm, the strength is becoming more pronounced than when it first showed its ugly head. No longer lurking in the shadows, the strength has a presence you can not ignore nor mistake it for anything else. What is weird this cigar has made me hungry and no, I'm not smoking any Mary Jane. :laugh: Time to ash the cigar at 3:41pm and I take the 2009 band off at 3:43pm without tearing it.
Again, no touch ups required. Plenty of smoke off each puff and draw is perfect for me. Kudos to this BBMF Maduro not requiring any maintenance work. Its a rare treat to have a cigar with a perfect burn in this shape of the BBMF. The Sun finally went behind some clouds and I decided to ash at 3:48pm. Now there is still strength, but a slight hint of some tar comes out at around 3:50pm.
Damn the battery on my Zen is getting close to burn through the charge and hopefully it will last the entire length of this cigar. Back on topic. The strength is really picking up speed like a snow ball down a mountain side full of fresh powder. Holy shit....I fully inhaled a puff on accident and now I feel like I've been raped and then donkey punched repeatedly for good measure. Almost had the urge to blow chow. After the accidental inhale, I now have what looks to be the start of a nicotine buzz. Wowza...will someone call me a medic in please. This little incident took place at 3:53pm and I am still trying to recover for 2 minutes after it happened so its now 3:55pm.
Now the big band is getting close to being removed. I'm still coughing at 3:57pm. That accidental inhale has left me speechless and will hopefully never have that happen again. UGH!!! It probably doesn't help that I am smoking this on an empty stomach.
The Big band officially is slid off at 4pm. A slight raspberry taste once again at 4:01pm. It fled as fast as the impression came which leads me to ash the cigar. I must note that part of the filler is extremely dark as it burns. Its pretty interesting to see this streak in an Opus X. Its been there for several inches but never really paid attention to it. It may had first appeared when the cigar started to get strong. No idea. I've been thinking this would be a great cigar to smoke after a nice steak for dinner which was cooked on the grill. When some smoke rolls up under my glasses, it brings a tear to the eye and at this point, I had some odd impression of maple syrup from the cigar at 4:07pm. That came completely out of left field for me.
Now the smoke has taken on a meaty quality. Like if I just ate a New York Strip steak that I picked up from the local butcher and cooked on the grill. Again, one of those impressions from the left field. I got some peppery notes after this at 4:10pm. Now hunger has really set in. Pretty funny how this cigar has been. One hell of a nicotine buzz has set in which has me thinking of a nap. I ash again at 4:12pm. Peppery notes once again after I ashed. I have about 1 1/2" left and questioning if I should continue smoking this cigar. Between the hunger, strength and nicotine rush, its doing a number on me. The wrapper split a little where I cut the flower off at. Nothing to major and didn't affect the cigar smoking at all. Damn the strength is becoming more prominent with this cigar. Its like a runaway freight train picking up speed.
At this point, not even a LFD cigar can match the strength of this cigar. It is becoming one potent mofo. I guess the name of Big Bad Mother F'er is proper for this cigar. No arguments from me on this one. Now this could just be an isolated incident, but only way to tell is if someone grows some balls and smoke their BBMF Maduro from the CFCF 2009 box. Then write a review of it so we all can see the different impressions. Back on topic once again. At 4:16pm, Mr Peat is about to throw in the white towel. This cigar is kicking my ass and I am so hungry right now. I just don't know if I can summon the will power to finish this cigar. Well ok, we all know my resolve about finishing a cigar. I just can't let a cigar kick my ass to the curb. I must nub this BBMF Maduro at all costs. LOL!!! I decided to not ash to the very end in hopes that it will help mute the strength. Needless to say, this isn't the case but I had to try. The ash is bigger than the cigar nub at this point at 4:21pm. I think I can beat this cigar. I keep thinking...I think I can, I think I can enter my mind while listening to my Russian music I noted earlier. No way in hell would I inhale the smoke at this point. It is freaking brutal. This is the point of no return. I've managed to get it down to a nub. Not one of my greatest nubs either. I just didn't feel like starting my face on fire trying to smoke the cherry through. Even to the very end, I still detected a raspberry chocolate notes. I can say the last 1" the cigar started to get hot. At 4:31pm, I tossed the nub.
Final impression is this cigar should be aged for a few years. I also feel it will be a great smoke in 2014 at its 5 year Anniversary of being rolled. I'd smoke another one in a heart beat. I enjoyed this cigar from start to finish. A rare treat when a cigar can make me question if I can finish it. :love:
All pictures here:
I cut the cigar and put flame to it at 3:03pm. The draw is perfect. No signs of any plugs whatsoever so each puff was pleasant. Plenty of smoke off each puff. The initial exhale of smoke through the nasal passage tells me it is still young. I redid this and confirmed for sure it is young at 3:12am. The burn past the dome was flawless. I was a little surprised by this one since so many cigars with a dome need to be corrected. But not this one. I've smoked plenty of Opus X BBMF and BBMF Maduros to know that a correction is neccessary. But once in a while, one will fool you.
Now at 3:15pm, the smoke has a meaty feel to it with a side dish of possibly a chocolate raspberry truffle. I then blew smoke into my hand and see what impressions I get off the smoke. I slowly inhaled some smoke this way and I found it to be pleasant. My impression is that this cigar is a medium to full bodied cigar at this early stage of smoking it. Again, at 3:17pm I blew smoke into my hand so I could inhale the smoke and its still so pleasant. I find most smoke from a Opus X to be a little powerful but I have been blowing the smoke in the hand for some time now in order to control the intake of it. No reason to go over board with it.
My current choice of music is by a Russian band called Фабрика aka Fabrika which means Factory and the album is called Мы Такие Разные. I always enjoy doing a review listening to some Russian music. It always has a way to make me relax while smoke a good cigar from the Opus X fun boxes. I'm outside so its there is some mild wind but its in the 50's for temperature. Plenty of sun light.
Back on track of the review. The ash reminds me what one finds on a BBF. No idea why this is the case but it reminds me from the countless BBF's I've enjoyed over the years. Between the coloring of the ash and how it looks, that is my thoughts of the BBF. I hope my pictures captures what I saw as it burned. Time to ash the cigar for the first time at 3:23pm. The burn is still perfect at this time. The first initial puffs after ashing shows an underlying strength that finally has appeared. At 3:25pm, I inhaled some smoke and yep, my observation about the strength is confirmed. It had hidden in the fore shadows up to the point when I ashed and that is when the presence was noticed for the first time. But I shouldn't be surprised as a big ash can mute what goes on within the cigar as you puff on it.
The smoke is cool in the mouth and I record this at 3:26pm. For a second, I had the thought that I just had a sip of a Chocolate Raspberry Caramel Brandy. I know, it sounds weird but that is my impression for a brief moment in time. It actually was pretty good. I do feel that this cigar would benefit with more age on it. Its still a pretty young cigar since the box was released in Dec 2009. I wouldn't mind having a full box of the BBMF Maduro so that I could smoke them over time and review the whole process of it being aged.
I had a strange flash back while smoking the cigar. I thought I was at my Grandma's kitchen when I was a kid. No idea why this thought entered into my brain but something happened at this point where I did think of my childhood says when I stayed at her house during the summers in Omaha. This revelation occurred at 3:31pm.
Time to ash once again at 3:33pm. The burn has been excellent and the chocolate raspberry truffle makes an appearance once again just after I ashed. The transition of the tongue after the smoke is blown out is interesting. I can taste how it changes a few seconds after. I can't explain what has gone on but it does happen. I just can't put my finger on the experience and I have noticed it on other Opus X I've smoked.
I'm enjoying this cigar a lot. Its a unique cigar so far with several interesting transitions taking place. Mainly they are subtle and not a roller coaster ride of tastes on the tongue which has happened to a few Opus I've smoked before. This is one of those cigars you just want to smoke with no distractions whatsoever. Allow yourself to pull you so you can enjoy a little piece of time by yourself. At 3:39pm, the strength is becoming more pronounced than when it first showed its ugly head. No longer lurking in the shadows, the strength has a presence you can not ignore nor mistake it for anything else. What is weird this cigar has made me hungry and no, I'm not smoking any Mary Jane. :laugh: Time to ash the cigar at 3:41pm and I take the 2009 band off at 3:43pm without tearing it.
Again, no touch ups required. Plenty of smoke off each puff and draw is perfect for me. Kudos to this BBMF Maduro not requiring any maintenance work. Its a rare treat to have a cigar with a perfect burn in this shape of the BBMF. The Sun finally went behind some clouds and I decided to ash at 3:48pm. Now there is still strength, but a slight hint of some tar comes out at around 3:50pm.
Damn the battery on my Zen is getting close to burn through the charge and hopefully it will last the entire length of this cigar. Back on topic. The strength is really picking up speed like a snow ball down a mountain side full of fresh powder. Holy shit....I fully inhaled a puff on accident and now I feel like I've been raped and then donkey punched repeatedly for good measure. Almost had the urge to blow chow. After the accidental inhale, I now have what looks to be the start of a nicotine buzz. Wowza...will someone call me a medic in please. This little incident took place at 3:53pm and I am still trying to recover for 2 minutes after it happened so its now 3:55pm.
Now the big band is getting close to being removed. I'm still coughing at 3:57pm. That accidental inhale has left me speechless and will hopefully never have that happen again. UGH!!! It probably doesn't help that I am smoking this on an empty stomach.
The Big band officially is slid off at 4pm. A slight raspberry taste once again at 4:01pm. It fled as fast as the impression came which leads me to ash the cigar. I must note that part of the filler is extremely dark as it burns. Its pretty interesting to see this streak in an Opus X. Its been there for several inches but never really paid attention to it. It may had first appeared when the cigar started to get strong. No idea. I've been thinking this would be a great cigar to smoke after a nice steak for dinner which was cooked on the grill. When some smoke rolls up under my glasses, it brings a tear to the eye and at this point, I had some odd impression of maple syrup from the cigar at 4:07pm. That came completely out of left field for me.
Now the smoke has taken on a meaty quality. Like if I just ate a New York Strip steak that I picked up from the local butcher and cooked on the grill. Again, one of those impressions from the left field. I got some peppery notes after this at 4:10pm. Now hunger has really set in. Pretty funny how this cigar has been. One hell of a nicotine buzz has set in which has me thinking of a nap. I ash again at 4:12pm. Peppery notes once again after I ashed. I have about 1 1/2" left and questioning if I should continue smoking this cigar. Between the hunger, strength and nicotine rush, its doing a number on me. The wrapper split a little where I cut the flower off at. Nothing to major and didn't affect the cigar smoking at all. Damn the strength is becoming more prominent with this cigar. Its like a runaway freight train picking up speed.
At this point, not even a LFD cigar can match the strength of this cigar. It is becoming one potent mofo. I guess the name of Big Bad Mother F'er is proper for this cigar. No arguments from me on this one. Now this could just be an isolated incident, but only way to tell is if someone grows some balls and smoke their BBMF Maduro from the CFCF 2009 box. Then write a review of it so we all can see the different impressions. Back on topic once again. At 4:16pm, Mr Peat is about to throw in the white towel. This cigar is kicking my ass and I am so hungry right now. I just don't know if I can summon the will power to finish this cigar. Well ok, we all know my resolve about finishing a cigar. I just can't let a cigar kick my ass to the curb. I must nub this BBMF Maduro at all costs. LOL!!! I decided to not ash to the very end in hopes that it will help mute the strength. Needless to say, this isn't the case but I had to try. The ash is bigger than the cigar nub at this point at 4:21pm. I think I can beat this cigar. I keep thinking...I think I can, I think I can enter my mind while listening to my Russian music I noted earlier. No way in hell would I inhale the smoke at this point. It is freaking brutal. This is the point of no return. I've managed to get it down to a nub. Not one of my greatest nubs either. I just didn't feel like starting my face on fire trying to smoke the cherry through. Even to the very end, I still detected a raspberry chocolate notes. I can say the last 1" the cigar started to get hot. At 4:31pm, I tossed the nub.
Final impression is this cigar should be aged for a few years. I also feel it will be a great smoke in 2014 at its 5 year Anniversary of being rolled. I'd smoke another one in a heart beat. I enjoyed this cigar from start to finish. A rare treat when a cigar can make me question if I can finish it. :love:
All pictures here: