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Openly discussing sources

The Master

New Member
Nov 5, 2003
I was just at another cigar web site and was amazed at what I read. These guys were openly discussing a sources name and methods of shipping. I posted on their thread explaining why this is such a bad idea. This isn't the only web site who discusses these things in the open.

Here is a copy of my post.

"It is just a matter of time before **** is out of business. His advertising and everyone else’s discussing him openly and his shipping methods will in the long run cost him his business.

None of you were around back in 1998 and 1999 when a few Spanish vendors were talked about and then all their packages were seized.

Some of you definitely know how Stagnetto got burned and had everything seized and is now pretty much out of business.

Openly discussing sources and methods of shipping is insane and shouldn't be done on any cigar web site.

This is my opinion and my experience on this subject matter."

The reason I did not x out Stagnetto is because they are done and I want to show everyone how a big time vendor got put out of business, and they didn't even advertise. I emailed the vendor who is advertising and explained to him why it is a bad idea. Hopefully he will heed my advice because he is a great source. I know for a fact his seizure rate is up.

Now I know there are many other vendors who advertise but the one I am talking about is by far the best out there and ships ten times what these other vendors ship. US customs does not like to be embarrassed.

In closing if you are a member at other sites and you see this practice of openly discussing sources, you might want to tell them it isn't a good idea.
That was the "newbie" mistake I made with my first post to this board.
I was schooled regarding this issue.

NEVER, NEVER discuss sources on-line.
If you have any questions, PM a FOG.
Some boards and operators are located overseas where it is legal for them to freely discuss anything and everything about cigars and sources. It is their perrogative to run their board as they see fit. For those of us who face tighter restrictions, we must tread carefully.
phishy, which sites are overseas ones? I don't think I have been to any? Are they English speaking?
The Master said:
phishy, which sites are overseas ones? I don't think I have been to any? Are they English speaking?

The one you posted that message on is owned by an Australian cigar smoker and registered in Australia. Hence why he is lax about sources, etc.

I understand that bulletin boards need money to run, and advertising raises the capital to run them without charging members fees. It worries me though, that sources advertise on some websites (not this one) and may screw themselves by doing so. A couple clicks by the wrong person and "Hey! It says here that they ship to the states!" Now we're screwed!
I'd gladly pay a fee for CP, especially if we could eliminate banner ads, and make it a more low-profile kind of place.
Cliff, I had no idea, no wonder they don't give a crap, too bad 99 percent of their posters are from the US and they will be the ones that suffer.

Matt, for discussion sake Stags is all done. I don't know anyone using them since they went to no original packaging. Can you imagine how long it would take for them to re box? It took forever when they didn't have to do anything.

Sam, what are you talking about? Lumberg hasn't posted on this thread.
SamClemmons said:
Whatever you do Harris, don't sit down. You'll smother lumberg.




It's part of the ongoing war against Lumberg by Sam, Leebo, et al.

Note that it is a cross-thread war, so Lumberg doesn't have to post here. I would guess Sam thinks that in some thread, somewhere, sometime, Lumberg had his nose up your ass. Or something.

Try to keep up Harris...

Lumberg Posted on: Oct 8 2005, 03:49 PM
Opus Lover
Group: Members
Posts: 3358
Joined: 25-October 03
From: Maryland
Member No.: 720

Upon reflection, I have to agree with the Master. I happen to know a little about the banking industry, and even several tens of millions of dollars in deposits would not make much of a dent in the bottom line of Wells Fargo. They are one of the super-biggies.

Doesn't change the fact that we can (and should) choose to do our business elsewhere.

Lumberg Posted on: Oct 6 2005, 01:43 PM
Opus Lover
Group: Members
Posts: 3358
Joined: 25-October 03
From: Maryland
Member No.: 720

I think the presence of The Master on this board is a sign of increased inter-board cooperation. I think and hope this trend will continue, in that information can be shared between boards. Hopefully like someone mentioned personality conflicts/feuds don't spill over and add to trash on other boards, but info on bad traders definitely should.

Lumberg Posted on: Oct 4 2005, 03:44 PM
Opus Lover
Group: Members
Posts: 3358
Joined: 25-October 03
From: Maryland
Member No.: 720

The Master is not questioning cohibasurfer's integrity because cohibasurfer's questions The Master's methodology.

The Master is warning that excusing Big100HD's behavior leads one down a slippery slope.

I though you knew a stray had follered you home.


limpy seems to always entertain us.... :laugh:
SamClemmons said:
I though you knew a stray had follered you home.


Yo! Watch how you throw "stray" around. I almost thought your were talking about me until I saw the "a" in there. :laugh:
The Master said:
Sam, all that proves is that Lumberg knows how right I am all the time. lol

Yeah and if everyone who thought that was to be smothered, your ass would have to twice the size. BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Just kidding, of course. :p

Oh and I actually like the fact that Stags is "done". :)