cookie_1978 said:I have the 300 ct "Treasure Dome" - I have the 65 beads - they are bullet proof - by the way, I don't think my 300 count holds anywhere near 300 cigars.
emodx said:I think it boils down to this. How dry is it there? If your skin is always dry, cracking, or spliting, then I suggest the Oasis. If the humidity outside average %40-%60 year round I'd go with the beads. Oasis seems to release humidity a lot faster than beads. But then again, it seems to absorb humidity a lot slower than beads.
I go with beads year round in my fridge-dor, and toss in a charged foam puck when it gets dry during the winter months. 1 charged puck has remained fairly charged for over a month now, so I am gonna take it out after this cold snap as it is un-needed.
ronc said:small oasis and beads
cookie_1978 said:I have the 300 ct "Treasure Dome" - I have the 65 beads - they are bullet proof - by the way, I don't think my 300 count holds anywhere near 300 cigars.
KayakinBoy said:Can you combine the Cigar Oasis and Beads? Do they run off different chemicals?