I first felt nicotine sickness when I went with my friends to a hookah lounge. I started off fine, though i would get dizzy spells every now and then. They would always pass, until about an hour in. I felt really warm and slightly nautious, and decided to step outside to get some air. Didn't help, started feeling terribly ill. Sat in my car for a good half hour trying to relax while waiting for my friends to finish up. after about an hour it went away nearly completely.
The next time i felt it was very slightly with my second cigar, an Acid Blondie (The first cigar I had was the Blondie as well). After taking my first step into the cigar world with it, I decided to buy two more for me and my girlfriend to try. I've smoked two blondies and two kuba kubas, and It never hit me really hard with acid cigars, but I still would occasionally feel dizzy. I haven't really smoked too many cigars so far, probably about 8 or 9 total, so I'm still a noob.
The odd thing is, excluding the Acids, EVERY cigar I've smoked has given me mild to medium sickness, to the point where I can usually only smoke a portion of them at a time. It fades in a good half hour/hour afterwards, but I'm really perplexed as to why its been hitting me EVERY time. It hits harder depending on the wrapper (Tried a maduro, knocked me into a world of uncomfortability). I'm feeling like its more a psychological thing, because the first time it REALLY hit me was pretty rough. Never threw up, but I felt damn close. I'm thinking that that first sickness kind of left an impression on my mind.
I got into cigars because I love the culture, and as much as I want to enjoy smoking, the sickness is holding that back. Even still, I love going to cigar bars and just being around so many cigars. The smell of an unburned cigar, the construction, the total beauty of these objects really sends my mind into a whirl of pleasant feelings. I just feel like I'm seriously missing out because of my inadequate tolerance =/