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My poor brother


Just smokin
Jul 16, 2007
My brother is an aspiring botl. Unfortunately, he got taken. He brought some Cohiba 08 LE pyramid cigars to my dad's 60th birthday. Of course he was proud to hand them out. I immediately noticed that they were fakes. The bands looked good, but the quality of the cigar was definitely not up to cohiba standards. Of course I smoked the cigar politely and never said a word. It wasn't bad by any stretch, but it was plainly obvious that it was a fake.

I pulled my brother aside and let him know that if he wanted to get a better deal, I could set him up with better pricing through a reputable dealer. I didn't mention that they were fake, and I hope he didn't buy a bunch or pay a lot of money. I hope I can steer him to a better source next time.

Did I do right?
If you're not there to hold his hand he'll go right back to what he did before. You not only have to tell him, you have to educate him too.
Well at first I was going to say yes. But then I changed my mind, and thought to say maybe you should have said something to him, so that he doesn't waste his money again. The offer you made was fine and a nice gesture, but he still could end up buying fakes again, whereas if you told him he wouldn't.

At the end of the day, its up to you to decide. By making this post and asking the question, I think to "you" that you think you should have told him. No harm in telling him now if you want, he is your brother. :)

I had a simliar situation while in cancun earlier this year. I was about to watch some friends of a friend (folks I didn't know all that well) buy some fauxihiba esplendidos. They didn't know I smoked, or that I knew anything. I felt I should speak up, and even though I had to be a bit voicey about it, even so much as going to the site from my phone (still don't know what that cost lol) to show them they were fakes, I think they appreciated that I told them.

Basically I said, its likely to be a decent smoke and they probably wouldn't be able to pick out the difference (hell I wouldn't be able to I'm sure), but its their money and if they want to plunck down $200 on fakes, only to watch customs confiscate and cut them up anyways...be my guest. Thats just me though, in my saggittarian way of saying it how it is. My wifes the same way...we have close birthdays..which sometimes can have its issues but is ok for the most part.

Anyways, I wouldn't worry about it either way. Leave it how it is, or tell him now, whatever is good for you is what matters most imo.
What would you expect if the situation was reversed?

Personally, I will tell whomever the instant I know but I understand where you are coming from, it's not easy.

I'd tell him, brother to brother, that he got fakes. He won't learn if you don't. Tell him not to feel bad, that it happens to people all the time. Explain the rampant counterfitting that goes on, and why it's very easy to end up with fakes.

IMHO you were right - there was no need to call him on the carpet in front of the family, but 1:1 should be fine if you approach it right.

Good luck - B.B.S.
Your brother seemed happy to pass them out; therefore, I would not have said anything to him at that point. However, while the two of you were alone, I would have told him that he had purchased fakes and steered him in the right direction for his next buy.
If it were me I'd want to know. Of course, if your brother is like mine you might as well beat your head against a brick wall.
If you're not there to hold his hand he'll go right back to what he did before. You not only have to tell him, you have to educate him too.

agreed i think you should just tell him and show him where to buy good ones and how to do so.
I have seen these LE 2008 Cohiba Piramides before. They are extremely well presented fakes - that makes it more likely that your brother can be taken again.

Here is a basic summary of what I saw of them: They were packaged in a glass top box of 3 with exceptional looking bands (they were carrying the gold raised lettering and correct colors but only two rows of boxes above the lettering), the box had an inked on Totalamente a Mano stamp on the bottom, there was a holographic Habanos sticker with the typical Habanos corner label, they had the Republica de Cuba tax band and a great looking Cohiba front label on the box. There was even a tissue paper note inside about handling - did not get a good look at that because I never opened the box.

The peddler that was dealing these was asking $115 for the box of 3. When I scoffed he almost immediately dropped to $75 for the box of 3. Frankly, had it not had the Edicion Limitada 2008 label on it, I probably would have thought they were genuine. The fact that it had that label made me look closer. The caps just did not look right - the cigars looked nice, but not Cohiba nice.

I would lightly tell your bro this kind of thing. I have seen some really horrible fakes but these Cohiba Piramides were the best of the best - no doubt fake but extremely well presented.

Good luck.
IMHO you were right - there was no need to call him on the carpet in front of the family, but 1:1 should be fine if you approach it right.


It was good of you not to ruin his moment at the party, but now that all is said and done I would let him know.
I've been down that road before. It was a hard swallow at first, but I'm glad someone educated me and that I now buy with confidence.

It's all in how you approach it that matters.
I have seen these LE 2008 Cohiba Piramides before. They are extremely well presented fakes - that makes it more likely that your brother can be taken again.

Here is a basic summary of what I saw of them: They were packaged in a glass top box of 3 with exceptional looking bands (they were carrying the gold raised lettering and correct colors but only two rows of boxes above the lettering), the box had an inked on Totalamente a Mano stamp on the bottom, there was a holographic Habanos sticker with the typical Habanos corner label, they had the Republica de Cuba tax band and a great looking Cohiba front label on the box. There was even a tissue paper note inside about handling - did not get a good look at that because I never opened the box.

The peddler that was dealing these was asking $115 for the box of 3. When I scoffed he almost immediately dropped to $75 for the box of 3. Frankly, had it not had the Edicion Limitada 2008 label on it, I probably would have thought they were genuine. The fact that it had that label made me look closer. The caps just did not look right - the cigars looked nice, but not Cohiba nice.

I would lightly tell your bro this kind of thing. I have seen some really horrible fakes but these Cohiba Piramides were the best of the best - no doubt fake but extremely well presented.

Good luck.

Cuba does not produce any cigars in a glass top box. No matter how good the bands and everything else looks, if the box has a glass top, run far, far away.