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My Birthday Smokes.


Mar 11, 2002
My humi is a little low right now as I haven't been spending cash on ultra-premiums lately, so i had a few premiums...3 to be precise and they all hit the spot! First on my buddy gave me as I was sipping on a Killians at Red Lobster. A CAO gold. Now I am not ove for flavored cigars, but he swears by this one. And since it said CAO, I decided it cant be a dog rocket. Well the honey wasnt overbearing, it burned absolutely perfect, and went well with the beer I was sipping.

The second one I had with an appitizer...A Leon Jimenez corona size. This was an awesome cigar! Perfect burn, perfect draw, and a great taste. This one didnt have any special flavors, or hints of this or that. Just an absolutely great rich tobacco taste. I kept looking at it as I smoked it, thinking" I can't believe I got this for 5 bucks".

To finish off the night I smoked a Por Larranaga glass tubo. Another great cigar. This one had an EMS wrapper. Very potent spicey pepper flavor, and again a great burn. The cigar gods aligned the stars and the planets so I would have a great day smoking my cigars. MMMMM....

sounds like everyones wish for you to have a great b'day came true, sounds good man, take care
Well done, Emo!!

I'll have a little something for you in Richmond.... ;)