So, I've been using cat litter very successfully in my 100 count desktop. However, I just had it out in the open in bottle caps and so if it got hit, or not held flat when moving it, they'd spill, so I set out to fix this problem.
This is the outcome:
What I did was take a vitamin water bottle and saw off like 1mm below where a screwed on cap stops. There's a little ridge there, saw below that because that ridge fits perfectly into another cap. Therefore, take two caps and the part you sawed off, glue the sawed off part down into one cap with super glue. Then, using a finishing nail put a bunch of holes in the top of another cap and screw it on. Let the super glue gas off all the smell, then wash it to get rid of any vitamin water smell, and then fill with beads/aclimated KL. This way, it's in an enclosed container with holes too small for it to fall out of, however, you can still unscrew the top to water them, change them, etc.
This is the outcome:
What I did was take a vitamin water bottle and saw off like 1mm below where a screwed on cap stops. There's a little ridge there, saw below that because that ridge fits perfectly into another cap. Therefore, take two caps and the part you sawed off, glue the sawed off part down into one cap with super glue. Then, using a finishing nail put a bunch of holes in the top of another cap and screw it on. Let the super glue gas off all the smell, then wash it to get rid of any vitamin water smell, and then fill with beads/aclimated KL. This way, it's in an enclosed container with holes too small for it to fall out of, however, you can still unscrew the top to water them, change them, etc.