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LGC 'R' - 6 Maduro


Member 200
Aug 1, 2001
I've had a handfull of these sitting in the bottom of an 'assortment' box since they first rolled out, which wasn't that long ago relatively speaking.

Pulled one out last night to start a new book with. Being a 60-ring, I used a small punch which turned out to be a very good decision. mmmmm mmmmmm good. Especially the last 1/2. Another one that turned out to be in need of hemostats to finish it.

Come to think of it, working at a medical school, I wouldn't think it would be too hard to get my hands on a stack of hemostats and include em in my next pass. Simply a marvelous gadget to finish off a great smoke.
you might get funny looks using one of those, that or get stopped. LMAO
Just remember to use them only for gars. The residue of that other chit will get you locked up :( ??? at least here in Va. it will :0
OOOPS! sorry for the jack. Nice to know about the LGCRM's, Have some on the way, can't wait :love: :love: :love:
Wouldn't use em for anything but!

But there's no tellin what they'll be used for before I get my hands on em from the surgery dept. :0
LGC Serie R #6...ohhhhh yesssss!!! I like this smoke. Perfect for the golf course, or the backyard chippin around. I've got a few aging in the humi, I hope they get even better. :)