Friday October 31st (Halloween night) the Kiss My Ash Cigar Club in Mobile, AL will be holding their 2nd annual Halloween HERF at Bumper's Billiards (I-65 and Airport Blvd.) The Herf will begin at 6:00pm and happy hour will run to 7:00. There will be a free pool Tournament starting at 8:30 with a prize for the winner. The Costume theme is 'mobsters' and costumes are encouraged; we'll be deciding on 'best costume' at 9:00 with a prize for the winner of that too. There will be a Halloween shot special and we'll be giving out various door prizes throughout the night. If you're in the area, come out, smoke a cigar and have a drink. For more info, email me or visit our site (its still under construction, but has useful links.)
Timm at KMACigarClub dot com
Timm at KMACigarClub dot com