Just fooling around

Devil Doc

When Death smiles, Corpsmen smile back
Oct 16, 2005
Finally figured out how to do this. That's my cave and granddaughter with her first turkey. Lay off you perverts. She was only 15 in that photo. Besides, she's now 17, and has a wealthy Russian boy friend.
Let's see a pic of you in the cave. 
You may have a Ruski Grand son-in-law?
I'm now expecting to see mice chasing cats, cats chasing dogs, people walking backwards, and God knows what else!
PS: You need a flat screen in that Cave Doc :thumbs:
Nice man cave.  Can't wait to have one.  For now its my garage.
Nice turkey. I miss turkey hunting; we don't have too many up here in my part of the state. We used to get one every year back home in Indiana.
Nice man cave Doc, I also smoke in a stressless recliner in the house. 
Are you trying to fix that ship picture you have in your sig tag area and stumbled on how to post regular pics? 
"Cave" seems too contemporary of a term and just doesn't fit your curmudgeonly mysterious aura, Doc.  I'd expect something more along the lines of "nautical-themed smoking den to which I retire", or "the Captain's quarters"...
Then again, perhaps cave *is* entirely appropriate.  :P
Nice shots, either way.  Congratulations on your future Eastern Promises.
Captain's quarters is pretentious. I like The Goat Locker better. I'm suprised no one noticed my fish.
Cool photos, Doc! Nothing like having your own man cave or hunting with your granddaughter. 
ironpeddler said:
You may have a Ruski Grand son-in-law?
I'm now expecting to see mice chasing cats, cats chasing dogs, people walking backwards, and God knows what else!
PS: You need a flat screen in that Cave Doc :thumbs:
This.  What's next Doc, you gonna start smoking Commie cigars?
Nice setup and you have a beautiful granddaughter.
Hey you old fart, I can barely see anything in the cave picture. Lighten that bad boy a bit, especially for us large member folks.
Nice turkey, congrats to the granddaughter. Better red than dead?
She is pretty Doc, takes after her Grand-ma?
And Tone, caves don't have to be light, they just have to be comfy.
Oh, and I just noticed the Irish flag on the back wall.  You're coming around nicely, Doc.
Where are you bastards seeing all that detail, All I see is the lamp futton and the shelves on the wall!