I emailed SC's two senators regarding the proposed tax increase and received the following replies:
1. Senator Lindsey Graham's (He's the guy who's always about 1/2 step behind John McCain lately) response:
Thank you for taking the time to contact me. I appreciate the opportunity
to hear from you.
In spite of the high volume of mail I receive daily, I look forward to
reviewing your correspondence and providing a personal response as soon as
As we continue our work in the 110th Congress, I look forward to
supporting our troops in the War on Terror, providing the men and women of
the National Guard and Reserves with improved health care, strengthening
Social Security, protecting American jobs, lowering the tax burden on
American families, and making the federal government more accountable and
Please do not hesitate to contact me if I may be of further assistance to
you or your family, and if you need immediate assistance, please call my
office at 202-224-5972. If your correspondence pertains to a scheduling
request, please fax your request to (202) 224-3808.
Lindsey Graham
A nice form letter saying absolutely nothing about anything. Very politically correct.
2. Senator Jim DeMint's response:
Dear Mr. Michels ,
Thank you for writing me to express your opposition to raising the federal tobacco tax in order to fund the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP). I appreciate hearing from you on this important issue.
As you may know, Senator Gordon Smith of Oregon offered an amendment to the 2008 Senate Budget Resolution that would permit an increase in the federal tobacco tax in order to pay for the reauthorization of SCHIP. Though Senator Smith's amendment passed by a vote of 59-40 on March 23, 2007, I voted against this amendment.
While I support a reauthorization of SCHIP that is consistent with the original intent of the law, I do not support raising federal tobacco taxes in order to expand the program. Congress's inability to be fiscally responsible and adhere to a budget should not be an excuse for raising taxes. It is critical for Congress to prioritize how federal taxpayer dollars should be spent so that individuals do not have to make further sacrifices for bad budget decisions.
During my time in Congress, I have consistently fought to restrain spending and protect American taxpayers. As your Senator, you can be sure that I will oppose a raise in the federal tobacco tax in order to fund SCHIP. I will also continue to aggressively fight excessive spending, adhere to our budget, and bring fiscal responsibility back to our government.
Thanks again for taking the time to share your thoughts and concerns with me. Please do not hesitate to contact me again in the future about anything important to you or your family. It is an honor to serve you and the people of South Carolina .
Jim DeMint
United States Senator
Admittedly, I am sure some aide wrote this response, but I am just as sure it represents Senator DeMint's feelings on the issue. Instead of some self-serving, flag waving, BS, I was pleasantly surprised to see the senator address the issue on point.
I guess Senator Graham is too busy angling for the VP nomination, in the off chance John McCain would win the Republican presidential nomination, to address any issue on point.
Anyone else hear back from their senators? I am curious to see what positions are being taken.