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Illegal ISOM shipments


Non-active but active and lurking!
Apr 22, 2005
Who are the lucky Bastid's that get to smoke all of the contraband ISOM's that are taken at customs?? I'd like to get to know that guy!!! :0

Well I am sure if you asked the answer would be that they are all destroyed. In reality I am sure some are destroyed but many some how go missing before they leave the US Customs office. :whistling:
A very good friend of mine was a customs officer( he is now an anti terrorist investigator for the FAA) he told me every cigar that is confiscated is destroyed. He said no one would risk their job and imprisoment for the sake of smoking some Cubans. I believe him.
I don't know but I think they get a hard on when they find some. The officer at the TJ border got all excited when I declared that I had cigars and quickly grabbed my bag and said with a big grin on his face, "what kind of cigars?" He was obviously disappointed to see that they weren't a box of Cubans. They were "mexican rolled" cigars. :laugh: Of the finest Cuban tobacco by the finest Cuban roller. :laugh:
LMAO! That's funny Alan! I was wondering how you got them back across :whistling:
In line with Harris's (The Master) post, they really are destroyed, as per a friend also, though not the saem one. I'm sure there have been confiscated cigars that were not destroyed after the waiting period, but it is few and far between, especially after 9-11. These people value their jobs a helluva a lot more than to risk it over something they themselves can go online and buy.
You mean my SS#2 they took actually got incinerated :( Oh the humanity! I think I would rather them smoke'm :whistling:
theres alot of dishonest people out there..to think there arent customs officials that dont take habanos home is silly.. and im sure some take more then that too.
a judge was just found involved with the mob the other day...cops accused as mafia hitman etc. etc. think about it, of course most get burned in an incinerator...but some i'll bet get burned by dishonest customs workers.