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If I were traveling to Cuba, what should I bring?


New Member
Nov 29, 2004
The only thing holding me back is not having the time (or not being able to afford stopping to work) to go there. But eventually, I will go, it is on my list of places to see. So, what should I bring? Keep in mind, I do live in the US.

How many layers of zip locks does it take to make the sniff dogs senseless?

Edited to clarify: I mean bring BACK from there.

(Was translating from my first language, where 'bring' means 'bring back'
I'm trying to convince my pastor to do a 'humanitarian aide' mission to Cuba. They went to Panama this last summer. he said it sawn't in the cards for our church, but would ask around for who might be going there. If that happens, I am in. And if not, there are flights leaving TJ, Baja Mexico everyday for a connecting flight out of Mexico City. I think it would be a blast.

As far as bringing smokes back. Whatever they let yo get on the plane with is fine with me. Pushing the envelope in Castro's little paradise might not be the smartest thing. Just find out who delivers and order 'em. Just like Pepperoni and Sausage, or Candadien Bacon and Pineapple, they will show up to your door.

M. Gipson
May I recommend trying street "Peso" cigars. When my father went the last time my uncle sent me a bunch. Very tasty. Very cheap. At the time one peso was $.04. You could always bring some of these too because even if they do get confiscated, so what, its a few cents.
Seriously, bring to them anything you can spare.

Clothes, medicine, writing material (pens paper) - anything you can spare. And after you clean out all you can spare GO TO YOUR LOCAL STORE AND BUY MORE TO BRING TO THEM.

I know a family who are very well off (by Cuban standards) but can't get their sick daughter even the most basic medicine.

As for coming back, remove the labels and boxes after you pass Cuban customs and then they are just local Dominican cigars right? Those Peso cigars mentioned are good if you find good ones. Some are garbage.
gawntrail said:
As far as bringing smokes back. Whatever they let yo get on the plane with is fine with me.

I understand that 8 boxes and Cuba thinks you are a retailer. Need a dealers license.
You can bring back 49 cigars and you must present the receipts from an authorized retail store.
rknicker said:
I hear rafts are big sellers down there.

/yep, going to hell.

HAHA. Comment was funny. Personal commentary was even better.

Don't bring anything you can find with a few minutes of research. What's the point?
If I were lucky enough to go, I would smoke as many different makes, models and sizes as I could, figure what I really like, and buy as many as I can. Even if you can't bring back as many as you like, you will have a clear idea of what tastes like what, and you will know what you like when you buy again.
One thing you will damn sure bring back is an appreciation of capitalism.