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I love my girlfriend


New Member
Mar 21, 2009
She is actually very well-versed in the field of animal medicine and she has a 3.7 GPA as well, but I had to share this with you guys.

So just recently she and I were in Mexico for a company vacation. The resort we stayed at had a cigar bar where they offered Cuban cigars. I bought one (I actually don't remember which one, but it was tasty) and told her that I wanted to try one being that they were illegal in the U.S. and all. I'm about to spark up my newly purchased Cuban cigar and she stops me and asks if I'm sure I want to do that before our scheduled company dinner at the resort. I asked why it mattered and she asked if I thought it was a good idea to get high before a dinner with my co-workers. I laughed at her and asked why I would be high after smoking a cigar and her response was: "It's got pot in it doesn't it? That's why they're illegal in the U.S., right?". I had to explain to her that they're illegal in the U.S. because they're from Cuba, not because they have pot in them.

Either way, I had a good chuckle at her expense, and I hope you all can do the same.
I hope you bought that cigar from a reputable source because although you won't be getting high you may not be getting good tobacco either. Food for thought. Funny story though too btw.
Good chuckle out of me, but this thread is worthless without pics..

You trying to tell us your girlfriend don't mind if you get high?

I'll bet she doesn't eat meat either because she's a veterinarian! Just messin.....I love the story :thumbs:

It could help get through most company dinners if you did get high :D
Great story, it's stuff like that makes you love her!

Also, thanks for the age reminder :laugh: You know you're getting old when the stuff we lived through is in the forth chapter of a grammar school social studies book.
I wasn't trying to make anyone feel old here!! Definitely not my intent! And BTW I'm not going to post pics because I don't need any leg humping here!
I have a friend that thinks that aswell. Where did this whole pot in cubans come into play?
That's what makes them so good! That and the fact that they are rolled on the thighs of Cuban virgins...

Gotta love old wives tales. Here's a good thread about some of the other legends and myths.
LMAO, I want something rolled with love too! That would definitely be better, but only if I could watch them get rolled.

edit for spelling.