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I hates being sick...


OG Post-Whorer since 2008 bitches...
Feb 6, 2008
No no, it's not an April Fool's joke, I'm really sick...and sick of being sick at that.

I've been chuckin' it all weekend, and my original "take the weekend off" I had planned with stuff to do turned into "be sick all weekend." I can't taste anything as of this morning, so no cigar smoking for me. Anyone else have this going around? Sore throat, vomiting, coughing, achey, headaches, etc??

I had heard about the flu, is this it? Cause if it is, I heard the run-time for the flu is close to 3 weeks...!



PS- In the interest of being sick, post some wild-ass "remedies" and "cures!"

Heres mine I found:

Wet socks for sniffles
To clear congestion when you have a cold, first warm your feet in hot water, then soak a thin pair of socks in cold water, wring them out and put them on. Put a pair of thick, dry socks over the wet ones and go to bed. According to 1,001 Home Remedies (Reader's Digest), the wet socks help draw blood to your feet, thereby boosting circulation, which helps clear congestion.

Weird fuggers.

I need a pick me up... :angry:
Firebrands and Leetches!!!

Sorry, my De Sade side is showing, isn't it? LOL

Sorry you're so sick bro. Don't know any cures but bedrest any plenty of liquids.
Funny - I was going to post the same thing today. It has been a week, and I feel like sh*t. No energy, no taste, hacking all night. I have not had a cigar for 2 weeks. Why can't they find a cure for the common cold. :angry:
Tea and home made plum brandy. Mixed or separately, up to you.

I'll send you some in with the Opus Maddy's :D
I came down with the same crud last Tuesday and am pretty much back to normal today. There were a few days that were very rough and I thought I was on my death bed. I even passed out at work. Anyways, after a lot of rest and 7 gallons of Orange Juice i'm feeling better and am back to work. Even gonna smoke a cigar tonight.
I took lots of Benadryl, Tylenol Cold and Flu, Xinc and Sleeping pills to help me sleep through the coughing fits. The Orange Juice really saved me....
Do you think it could be the FOG's launching a germ warfare attack, since they know they can't win conventionally? ???
Do you think it could be the FOG's launching a germ warfare attack, since they know they can't win conventionally? ???


Trust me fellas, guzzling lots of OJ and sleeping like a bear really helps. I'd probably lay off the cigars while you're down for the count as well...
It developed into pnuemonia for Bargogirl. She spent several days in the hospital and seemed like she was beginning to improve but that lasted about a day and half, and even with the antibiotics and nebulizer 4x's a day it's looking like she may be headed back to the hospital.
It developed into pnuemonia for Bargogirl. She spent several days in the hospital and seemed like she was beginning to improve but that lasted about a day and half, and even with the antibiotics and nebulizer 4x's a day it's looking like she may be headed back to the hospital.

I saw your thread, I'm real sorry to hear that Mike... I'll be praying for her...
Wow, sorry to hear you guys are sick. Get well quick!

This did make me realize that the pain and recovery suck, but at least I have my taste buds and can have a smoke. Sorry soul, not trying to rub it in. :whistling:
A remedy for a cold i got form an Austrailian on a plane flight involves Bundeberg (sp?) rum and lemon. You take a bottle of rum and a lemon, place the lemon between your feet and drink the rum until you can't see the lemon. You'll forget about your flu for a little while. In reality I'd suggest seeing a doc after a week or so. Antibiotics don't do anything to viral infections; howeverm they also have a tendency to enable bacteria to establish a sinus infection, which can last weeks and develop into worse things if untreated. Hope you get to feeling better soon.
edit to add: If it is the FOG's taking up biological warfare tactics. I'll jump in with biological and chemical warfare. It helps working in medical science labs :p