I'm looking for suggestions regarding whether it's ok to have different strength cigars in the same humidor or not. Here's the dilemma: I have a Savoy 100 ct. humidor with several dividers and I'm pretty good about keeping the cigars inside seperated according to brand. A short time ago I read that it is better to seperate, that is use a different humidor altogether, for your different cigars as if you keep them stored together, the strongest of the bunch will overpower the rest. I have since bought a couple of clear airtight containers (you know, the ones that the wife puts flour and sugar in ) along with some 65% bead tubes from Viper (awesome product by the way) :thumbs: . The question is, is it ok to store my sticks in the same humi as long as they are divided or should I go with the clear container or maybe something else?