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Hoyo De Monterey Rothchild (Maduro)


I just might be your huckleberry
May 22, 2002
MMM-Mmmm. I haven't had one of these in a long time, so it was a pleasant surprise. Pre nose was very earthy, with a hint of chocolate.

Upon lighting this magnificant smoke, I was greeted by very powerful earth tones, with pepper in the beginning. About half way down the little powerhouse become a little more complex, with that strong earth came cedar and more pepper. I thought I was in heaven, but Hoyo decided to switch it up on me again as it was 3/4 of the way down by becoming an incredible peppery/chocolate/earth blend. I nubbed it and burned my fingers :p

I don't remember ever having such a powerful Hoyo maduro before, but then again, it's been about 3 years since I last had one. In my old notebook, I noticed that I had rated it about a 4, but I guess as I got older and my tastes changed, I gotta tell ya, I :love: the hell out of this smoke. Speaking of smoke, holy crap was there a lot of it. I still have the taste in my mouth and I'm wishing right now that I had more of them. I think I'm going to hit JR's and order up a box.

If you haven't had this in a while, I'd recommend 'em.

I'd give it an 8 out of 10. Wow, that was a good cigar.

I am glad to find someone else enjoys this as much as I do.

I first bought one of these bad boys about a year ago. I was on a lunch break and decided after my fine meal, I was going to invest in one of these small, but beautiful cigars. Upon first light, I fell in love with this.

It starts off with a earthy, leathery flavor. About 10 puffs in, you begin to taste cocoa, cream, and spicers. The longer you go, the better it gets. My first time with this lovely, I finished it much too fast. Now, I take my time, savoring every last puff, truly enjoying the taste. The experience is almost sexual, this smoke is so good.

Despite it being only a Rothchild, I smoke at least an hour, enjoying every second, nay, every moment.

Alas, recently while out shopping with the wife, I found a larger slice of heaven as I found the 75th Anniversary Hoyo Maduro! This is the exact same cigar as a Rothchild, but longer! More like a Churchill!

The cedar wrapping gives this cigar a wonderful woody flavor and a great presentation
I haven't had one of these yet, but my understanding is that they are very similiar to the Punch Rothschild Maduro Maduro.

Comparrison? Comment? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

SamGuss said:
but my understanding is that they are very similiar to the Punch Rothschild Maduro Maduro.
I have been told that they are exactly the same. However, when my local cigar shop was out of my Hoyos, I tested this theory.

My findings were that they are not the same. The Punch MM is a good smoke, but it does not have the same flavors. Punch MM is more woody, and, unfortunately, the draw is not as good.

Nor does it produce half as much smoke. I do not know why, but I love a ton of smoke when puffing away. Call it the inner child in me, making smoke rings and looking cool with the layer of smoke surrounding my face. I often think of Tony Soprano on the opening sequence of The Soprano's when they show him looking at himself in his mirror while driving, a huge cloud of smoke coming slowly from his mouth.

Call me a gangsta wannabe if you must. I just think that exemplifies coolness.
The experience - whether cause you think you look cool or just are cool (as in my case :sign: ) - is what counts in smoking cigars, whether it's a $1 cheap stick or a $20 overpriced Opus.

Definately adding it to my list of cigars to try - thanks for the heads up about this one!

I once read a post on ASC by Steve Saka swearing the the Punch Roth and HdM Roth are the exact same cigar... seen the cigars being boxed at the factory side by side from the same tables. I've tried both and enjoyed them both and they tasted the same to me.... spicy, earthy, good strength and tons of flavor! And... they get better with age!

IMO... these cigars are also a good value 'gar... I believe a little more than $2 a stick for the box of 50. Give these cigars a try if you haven't had them yet.... give the Double Maduro a try... it's my favorite wrapper for these cigars!


I have just discovered that HDM / Punch have a second named Consuegra #9. I have been researching on the web about this cigar and from what I have read, these are just as good. Despite the fact that they are seconds, I have not read one complaint about them. Plus, at http://www.cigarprice.com, you can find these bad boys for $.96 a stick! I am going to order a box/bundle of these and let you know if these are just as good or not.
There are many herfers who enjoy the Connies! I've had many over the years and I can tell you that they are great bargain cigars.... usually well made and very flavorful and many times it's tough to tell why they aren't firsts. Try some aged Connies and you'll be in for a real taste treat... especially in maddie and double maddie!


Mmmmm, connies.

Boy I forgot I even wrote that review LOL...

I like the Punch's also, I find them to be more earthy tho, and little bit more woody. But with the comments about the same boxing table thing, I wonder if maybe the boxes are a little fresher than the Hoyo's. That could be a reason for the more woody flavor in the Punch's. Diff wood condition, diff taste, same cigar, diff band? Hmmm... I wonder...