Regarding the dehumidification of a large cigar storage device:
Here is an effective manual technique that you can use any time your RH stubbornly stays higher than you desire. Obtain 2 containers with screw on lids that will fit in your coolerdor/wineador (*dor). Fill them with water and freeze them solid in your refrigerator freezer (leave a bit of room at the top for expansion, so the bottle keeps its shape): I use (2) one quart gatorade bottles. Place them one at a time in your *dor, sitting in a bowl, with a folded towel under the bowl. The water vapor will condense on the exterior walls of the bottle, run down the bottle and pool in the bowl. Swap the bottles out every 12 hours (between *dor and freezer) and toss the condensate after measuring the volume. If you have a fan in your *dor, run it during this process. You will soon learn to correlate removed condensate volume to %RH reduction. I use this technique in my unit with great success whenever the RH stays above 65%. It works very well, no need to purchase any equipment (such as a mini dehumidifier), and I always love a simple, practical solution that uses the laws of physics to solve a problem. This process can remove 1 cup of condensate in 4-5 days from my *dor.